
This dream really scared & confused me. Please interpret.?

by  |  earlier

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I was at the house I grew up in, (Its was torn down 15 years ago) hosting a radio call in show on a dark rainy night (I've never been involved in radio?) answering questions about spirituality & a caller said they felt spirits all around them, but couldn't identify them, I advised I have spirits all around me always, & I can feel that they are good spirits (deceased family). Caller said they weren't sure what spirits were around them, I said, that if you aren't sure & you don't have a good feeling then those may be bad spirits. Just as I said this, I was looking out the window and this ugly devilish looking child looked in the window at me. I jumped up and yelled hey! It took off, but turned around and looked back at me. I woke up with a jump, it really frightend me. I'm not on meds, I dont watch horror movies-I rarely have nightmares & I have woke up w/a jump maybe 2x in 38 years! I even went to bed with a peaceful feelin after going thru some old family photos! What was this?




  1. I've experience the jumpy moments too... maybe the spirits world wants to communicate something but yet it could only be a dream.

  2. You are a very spiritual person ; that why you had a dream with spirits ; also lately you are little bit nervous ; so the spirit of your love ones are around you more often ; and that include night and dream

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