
This for those who have had someone in Army Basic Training...?

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People are telling me any phone calls you will get will be on sundays ... is there a certain time of the time that phone calls take place? My bf doesn't start his training till the 29th, but he's down there now in Reception.




  1. my husband is in basic i get phone calls on thurs evenings and i didnt get a letter till the 2nd week or a phone call

  2. My husband got one call in reception then it was a few weeks till the next call which was on a Sunday. It took a couple of weeks to get a letter but what I did was write a letter every day he was gone even if just a short note. You will write way more often then he will write you but it helps you keep your sanity. Also do not mail any packages in case you have not been warned already. Just letters. Keep your head up in your in this for the long haul he will be away often but if you love him you can make it work.  

  3. We got one call at reception.  Then one call when we reached our actual company.  Then I think we were perhaps allowed to call on Sundays.  Towards the last 2-3 weeks, we could sometimes call in the middle of the week.

    It's all subject to change.  And for the first few times he will only be able to call one person and the Drill Sergeants preferred they call the parents over their girlfriends/boyfriends, unless they were married.

    Letters are a better form of communication than phone calls.  Also the calling cards get used up really quick because the pay phone eats minutes like crazy.  If you have one, just keep your cell phone on you.

  4. Rebecca is right, your first call will be no more than say 15 seconds to let you know he got there all right. Then it may be a week or more before you hear from him again. Phone calls are few and far between while in basic.

    Just keep your chin up and know that he is ALOTT more miserable than you are. Be as happy and suportive as you can when he does call. Every time I called my wife she cried and told me how miserable she was without me. That made being yelled at from the drill sergant even worse :-)

  5. “Ain’t no use in going home Jodie’s got your gal and gone, am I right or wrong, You’re right, tell me if I’m wrong, you’re right!” “Hup two three four your life right left.”  He can get mail, write him a letter. The US mail not an email. You’ll be alright, he’ll be out of Basic before long then he’ll get a leave.

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