
This friend isn't giving me any success?

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Okay here's the deal..

Is he really a friend? The only reason we are tight is because we didn't do too well in our first year in university and I blame him as he wanted to 'study' togeather during exam time and that didn't go too well. Ever since then,, we got real tight and now school is approaching again and he's still all about fun and games even though we messed up in our first year studies...Which really irratates me. Like I don't know, I really want my degree bad and asap whereas this dude doesn't care and doesn't show it. Like I've been studinyg in the summer even though I don't have classes because I want it bad you know. But this dude is just slowing me down really, like he keeps telling me not to worry about my studies and that I should chill and hang out more rather than study....And even though we messed up first year he still has his ideas such as fooling around. I don't want him to bring me mroe down and not study, I want to excel and he's just making me go the opposite. What should I do before it's too late and I mess up again in university because of this dude...? He's a kool guy don't get me wrong I still wanna be friends but what do I tell him? Not too be mean or anything but like what should I do?




  1. Wow, thats hard. But, Guys arent as sensative so say to him something along the lines of, you want to be friends, but you GOTTA study cause you really want a good job and to do well in life. You can party once in a while, but you REALLY gotta work right now,

    Try(IN A NICE WAY) to aviod this guy fro a few months.. sorry..

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