
This girl's kinda mean to me, what should I do?

by Guest63736  |  earlier

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I was teasing a guy friend of mine about something, and it was very silly. The girl (let's call her Alice) looks at me condescendingly and says, "Lyddi, just stop it." in a really annoyed, flat voice.

Next, I'm leaning over the lunch table, joking with another friend, and she side steps me and tells me to "Move, Lyddi." Again, condescending voice. It makes me feel HORRIBLE! I used to be her friend...why does she hate me so much at the begining of the school year... she totally ruined my first day of school.

WHAT DO I DO?! Besides reporting to a teacher, I don't want to do that......




  1. its obvious shes just jealous or maybe she just has something on her mind no use crying about it tell her how you feel and ask what the problem is u can do what u want dont let anyone get in your way  

  2. She can't ruin your day unless you let her. Forget her, she's just immature. Don't stoop to her level, just be yourself. Don't lean over the lunch table, if you wanna tease a friend. You don't have to lean over anything to tease someone. Find a new way to tease or leave teasing for later.

    So, she's not your friend. Just let it go and leave her alone. Do your own thing and if someone has a problem, so be it. You can't run to the teacher every time someone doesn't like you. Deal with it and just hang out with a couple of friends rather than a group she's part of.

    Some kids think they're "too cool" for other kids. This also happens in the adult world, so practice being nothing like them. Lunch time isn't that long, so just look forward to your next class and find a way to hang with friends without her being around.

  3. Umm If shes being that mean to you.

    Stop hanging around her.

    And if she follows you just walk away and hang out with your other friends.

    Or treat her the way she treats you so she can get a taste of her own medicine/

  4. You didnt do anything wrong, shes just probably jealous cause your getting along with people better than her.


  5. There's no need to report her to a teacher unless she has verbally or physically threatened you.  I have heard that hate is a form of jealously which is what I think is happening in your case.  If she was your friend then you just should confront her privately and ask her if you have done anything wrong or if you have hurt her in any way.  If you have then just apologize.  She will treat you better after that.  If she says no, then jealously is rearing it's ugly head.

  6. get to the bottom of it. gather up all your guts and ask her when youre both alone.  I usually would say ignore her and move on with your life and not let her bring you down. but if youre really confused and want answers, demand it! peaceful as possible, of course.  good luck!

  7. I'm not sure what is really bothering her but one thing that always works for me in a situation like that is to 'kill her with kindness'... Just be as nice as you can to her and include her in conversations and say hi to her in the halls and stuff for a while and it has a good turn around rate.  Who knows she might like that guy or just might not like the way you are with your friends.  But if you don't let her bother you then your gonna be fine if you let her get to you then she wins.  Now if she continued to pick on you after a few weeks of you trying to be nice to her then yes I'd say something to the counselor and see what ideas they have for you.

  8. Don't report her, she really hasn't done anything and it makes you look like a crybaby.

    Sometimes friends just grow apart and it sounds like that happened here.  Since she makes you feel horrible, why not avoid her?

  9. "Alice" is using a very subtle, very female form of bullying.....and it sounds like she's jealous (for whatever reason) of you.  The very best ways to deal with a bully is to # 1 ignore.  #2 If ignoring is impossible, then deal with it using your humor (sounds like you have a good sense of humor...use it!!).  For instance:  Alice "lyddi, just stop it"..... Lyddie "I can't "off" switch is broken"....follow it with a laugh.  Or  Alice "Move Lyddi".....Lyddi *putting on a british accent* "Excuse me your ladyship, I didn't realize I was intruding on your space.....the nerve of me!".  Then turn and laugh to your friends.  Basically, when she gets mean, agree with what she says in a humorous way....lets her know you know what she's up to, and doesn't really allow her to be mean again without looking like a total ******....actually if she is mean again all the better for you....people notice and they'll definately be on your side.  Last (sorry for the novel)....don't let this chick wreak your day, she's jealous, feel sorry for her and concentrate on your real friends.  Much luck!

  10. Yo may have to report her actually, but try it in a "here's a heads up kind of way."  Ignore her though pretend not to care at all.  Work on keeping a straight face.

    And if that doesn't work, give her a taste of her own medicine but in a sneakier way.  Don't let anyone hear you, and ofcourse, use that straight face!!  

  11. tell her to leave you alone

  12. Ignore her. I know this isn't the answer you want to hear. I wouldn't want to hear it either. If there was a reason that you stopped being friends with her, you might want to check that out to see if you could maybe talk to her and see what's going on.

    Hope that helps!

    Zoey Star

  13. Confront her and ask her why shes doing this to you.  There must be a reason.


  14. Tell her to stop being so nasty! Sometimes you have to give people a taste of there own medicine in order to get them to stop being nasty to you!

  15. i think that you should talk to her and ask her why is she treating you this way, especially if you guys used to be friends. she has to have a logical reason for being mean to you. so just talk to her i'm sure it won't hurt.

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