
This girl !! arg the suspence ?

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I like this girl in my french class. Ive talked to her a few times and I told her I really like her. But thing is she never told me anything and now it feels kind of awkward trying to talk to her even though I still like her. Advise ?




  1. What the heck man?! You never just tell a girl strait out you like her!!! I'd really like to say you blew it, but really you can fix this by just gaining the courage to talk to her again. Find the right moment and take in a huge breath of confidence then just small talk her like "how are you?" Talk about the things you think are funny about french or that stupid thing the teacher always does. Ya know what I mean? What you really want is to build a friendship with this girl then make a move after a few months or so. Youll be much happier just to have her as a friend. Only make that move if you knows you share a special connection with this girl. A good friendship is when you can talk to her about anything. Always be nice and do something special for her birthday. Did you get all of that? Am I not clear enough? Good luck!

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