
This girl called me cheap? Was I cheap &/or out of line?

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So this girl asked me out to dinner at a pretty fancy restaurant and I accepted.

At dinner we were having a good time and then the check arrives. She doesn't even look at the check, so I pick it up and the bill is ~$76 total. I figured I would pay for it since I'm the guy (yay, we get the honor of paying for everything, how lucky!). I just happened to be paying by cash, and put $90 even on the table. She then gives me this look of disgust.

Me: What's up?

She: Shouldn't you be tipping more?

Me: I made it $90, I think it is fair.

She: Uhh, ok, well it looks cheap... I think $100 is what you should put down, but what do I know.

Me: ok, sounds good.

And I took back $40 (leaving $50) from the bill and told her "Cool.. that should cover it".

She: You're expecting me to pay?

Me: Well, since you asked me out, I think you should be the one to pay the whole thing, but I'll put down my half.

She: I've never had to pay for a meal before...

Me: Then stop asking guys out, and more over, don't call someone cheap when you're not paying nor are you willing to ever pay for yourself.

After some banter back and forth, she put down $25 (Nice try, cheapskate)... and I took back $10 and left the restaurant...

What nerve? or was she right?




  1. She should have just worn a T-Shirt that said "Warning: I'm a *****"

    You're gentleman-ness is honorable, but she asked you out, it was rude of her to expect you to pay.

  2. You were completely correct in your actions.  YOU ARE MY NEW HERO!

  3. Give 'er her walking papers.  Loose her, as Anthony put it.

    She's just another mindless, philistine bytche.  She'll only torture you and possibly elicit bad behavior from you when you've had all you can take.

  4. Lose her - she wants a show, and is not looking after your best interest.  

    I guess she was not that attractive after all.

  5. Why is that everyone expects people to give huge tips, your bill was 76 and put 90 down, if you were planning on leaving the whole thing for a tip than it was more than generous.

    You were not cheap or out of line, she was ungrateful and deserved what she got.

  6. lol...really outrageous....good for you putting her in her place...probably long overdue!  ;D

  7. WOW!  That one just set male/female relations back to the 1950s!

    She was inexcusably rude and even more presumptious!  If she issued the invitation, she should have either picked up the whole check or made it clear before you accepted that she expected you to pay half.

    I do hope you won't be accepting any move invitations from her!

  8. ,, wow ,, what a situation.

    To save your rep -- and maybe make yourself feel best about yourself (with no doubt about questioning it) -  it may have been worth it just to pay the $90 -- take an exit - and let that girl be history.

    Yeah - she was nervy .. noooo she wasn't right ... don't worry about it - just don't let yourself be put up in that kind of set-up again (lesson learned).

  9. I think you would have been doing the right thing just paying the tip. She invited you out. It was her doing. She should have payed the bill. It sounds as if she wants to be able to obligate others for her decisions without taking responsibility herself. She had a lot of nerve saying you were cheap. She was the cheap one.  I'll bet she does this in other areas of her 'dating.'  

  10. No, you were not cheap; you were more than fair. If you had asked her out, would she have paid for the meal? There are some people in this world that think they deserve to live high class at the expense of others. You would be wise not to see her again.  Always stick up for yourself because no one else will do it for you. Thank goodness you didn't let her by with such behavior. Way to go!

  11. No, you're not cheap and you were not out of line.   What are you doing for dinner tomorrow?    

  12. man u were right leave her never let a girl take over u personal lifeee hahah i noo experiance ... good luck

  13. If you are paying, you are deciding how much to tip. It is none of her business.

  14. Wow, she sounds like a keeper!

    If she invited you, she should have paid. Not to mention it sounds like she picked a restaraunt that isnt exactly easy on the wallet! Don't feel bad at all... In fact, feel good that you avoided such a horrible girl.  I would be embarassed if I were her!

  15. She should have paid her own way. If you are paying her meal, she should not say something about the tip.  

  16. huh

    how did the whole, ur expecting me to pay thing come in

    u were right

  17. Good for you,what an ungrateful ignoramus.

  18. Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful relationship...*sigh*

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