
This girl creeps me out haha heeelp?

by Guest32240  |  earlier

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Right so this girl i babysit her at weekends,she's 12.

We get along good and stuff,but lately she's started copying everything i do :l

She's asked people to call her Ejay,which is my name.

She's begging her mum to let her dye her hair like mine,the hair style? She's already had it done the same.

Now she's added my bf on msn,and keeps asking where i buy my clothes from 0_o

At first it was kind of flattering and stuff,like she looked up to me or something,but now it's just plain annoying.She's like a mini me or something.

Any ways i could express how i feel to her,but not harsh because she's young?




  1. well, i'd say chalk it up to her age, she's going thru the "process" right about now, and since she see you as having a good life and such a great person, she copies you so that she can be like that herself.  I was like that with my older brother for awhile, but i got over it after while, realizing that i actually had my own personality.  i'd say give it some time, she'll get over it

  2. hahaha... kids are like that! she just looks up to you and idolizes you... :D tell her to bugger off. maybe sfter that she'll stop...lulz :D

  3. ur kind of like her role model! she looks up to u cause she must think that ur kinda like her comfort zone. but yea i agree that it is kinda weird and all but shes just 12. its a get over it!

  4. myy little cousin is like that

    and she lovesss my boyfriend

    and always acts like she's his girlfriend too lol

    i always just have a good attitude about it and joke with her about it

    im not mean to her about it because shes just little and i know she'll grow out of it you know?

    if you're mean then you might really hurt her feelings really easily because youre obviously her idol

    i would just let her grow out of it

    just smile and joke about it with her and be a good sport about it

    she'll get older and work it out

    and you just have to be mature about its all :]

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