
This girl is obsessed with me! what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 14 and going into 8th grade, and over the past few months i've changed alot, and my friends and i dont really have much in common anymore, so i want to make new friends this year & meet new people with common interests as me, so i actually have fun w/ my friends instead of being bored.

but theres one problem...last year i met this girl who was in all my classes and at first we both didnt like each other, but we got to know each other & became super close friends [best friends i guess] and now, i still want to be friends w/ her and my old friends, but i dont wanna be so so close. we used to be like buddy-buddy and cling to each other, but now over the summer i havent seen her and i told my grandma about some of the stuff she does and my grandma also says she seems obsessed w/ me and clingy:

-IMs me right away when i log on

- is always like "HEY BESTIE!!!"

- talks about how we're gonna be bff's forever & move to NYC together & stuff

- is always asking me "why r u so moody" or "are you mad at me" when i give her short indirect answers, so its really hard to get her to stop bugging me

- shes making such a HUGE deal about how we dont have any classes together this year.

i would be honest with her & tell her straight up to lay off and leave me alone, but if i did tell her nicely, she would get so angry and start STUPID drama and i just dont wanna deal with her c**p at all.

i get annoyed very easily, and she annoys me soo much. i would like to be just friends w/ her...but i dont wanna be friends with someone who is obsessed with me and is like gum on the bottom of my shoe!!

and if i ignore her or slightly blow her off she gets even clingy-er and follows me and is all "OMG why arnt you talking to me" "whats wrong" "what did i do" blah blah blah!

i just want her to LAY OFF!!

help me! what should i do???




  1. WOW I would have your mom or grandma talk to her parents because that is scary. Things can turn dangerous when people get that obssessed even if they are only 14!

  2. ignore her ?>?

  3. bask in the glory of people adoring you

  4. This is a hard one. Tell her that you'd rather start off on a new foot for the school year, and don't want to be best friends with her, or that she's sort of overwhelming you because you've never had anyone that close. Give her an ultimatum: either you lay off a little bit or I can't be friends with you anymore.  

  5. I once was in a situation similar to yours.  We were going to 9th grade.  I know being straightforward won't work; you're right there will be drama.  You need to wean her off of you.  When she wants to hang out with you tell her you already have plans.  If you say you are going to be with friends she may ask to tag along.  Try telling her that one of your friends parents is taking you to a movie and it would be rude to bring someone they don't even know.  You can think of other excuses.  This may seem wrong but if you are gentle and take your time, slowly spending less and less time with her she will eventually get the hint that you two aren't best buddies anymore.  Don't make fun of her in front of your new friends or to anyone else.  Just say you two aren't as close anymore.  When she asks you if you're mad at her just tell her you're not that you've just been busy.  If you see each other just act casually like you would with an acquaintance.  Because I assume that is all you want her to be.  Good Luck.

  6. Just politely tell her to give you some space. If she gets all upset and throws a fit, she's not worth it. Ignore her. Who knows? If she really cares about you she'll respect your space & things between you will be okay without her being totally clingy. Hope this helps=D

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