
This girl really likes me?

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Theres this girl she really likes me and i cant tell her how much i feel about her since i am extremely shy what should i do




  1. At least you admit it... Shy guys will be the death of me I swear.. I like this shy guy and I would love it if he told me he liked me or even talked to me more.. Talk to her, get to know her. She wants to know you. I like this shy guy because his mysterious-ness intrigues me, I want to know more about him then any one else knows.. Maybe she feels the same about you. Talk to her! Eventually it will be easy to share your feelings..

  2. if you know she really likes you, why don't you tell her your feelings? if you're right about her, then you won't get rejected.

    we all have to do hard things in life sometimes... deal with it, i guess.  

  3. I know this sounds dumb, but it works...

    If you are good friends with any of her friends tell them in 'secrecy' and most likely, they will tell her. :P

    She will probably start flirting with you once she finds out and then eventually she will ask if its true and tell you that she heard, all you have to do is admit you like her :)

    If she asks why you didn't just tell her, say your shy and it will make her want you even more!

  4. well i think you should tell her cause she might not wait forever for you.  

  5. BE A MAN! (in chinese accent) DO THE RIGHT THING! in otherwords we can't really help you overcome your shyness, its up to you. But one way you could tell her how you feel is over msn? I know it's lame but if you shy it is hard to do in person.

  6. you need to tell this girl cuz i really like this one guy and if he was holdin off cuz he shy i wuld b sooooo disapointed

  7. You don't have to "tell" her per se. You just get to know her. Just hang out with her. Talk about movies you wanna see and maybe she'll invite you to see one with her and if not, maybe you'll get the nerve to ask her to go with you. Or maybe you will get the nerve to hint at first just from hanging out with her and finally to tell her how you feel!! Good luck!!  

  8. stick around her or something to get the message through without talking too much, you need to get out of ur comfort zone if you really like her.

    get her email or her number and text or email her because it's a lot easier to do that then to talk face to face sometimes, and when you get more comfortable with her start hanging out, and talking and things would go good, but you have to try something because it's the things we didn't do that we regret.

    keep that in mind, and

    good luck.


  9. aaah, just tell her.

    If you dont she'll think you dont.

    trust me.  

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