
This girl wants to get with me but I'm not into her...?

by  |  earlier

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So this girl who I went on one (double-)date with last year..and didn't really talk to for the rest of the school year and summer after that, has started talking to me now that school's started again. We were never really friends before, so it's apparent that she wants to get with I know for sure too because she's always staring at me trying to get me to look back and make eye contact and stuff. The thing is, I'm not really interested in her, but I don't want to break it to her the hard way. I've basically been trying to turn her off by like hanging with friends when I'm at a party that she's at, or being around one of my good friends that's a girl and everyone think's there's something between us. Still, she takes every opportunity to talk to me when she can. I don't know how I can get her uninterested in me??




  1. You just gotta tell her straight up.  Tell her you're not tryin' to get involved right now and you would rather be friends.  She'll take it how she wants it.  

  2. She "fancies you" as we'd say in the UK, nothing really you can do just don't fuel her fire. If it becomes a problem then a friendly chat along the lines of "you're a nice girl but I see you as a friend" should do the trick.

  3. Well, tell her its not going to work, and ignore her until she gives up.

  4. tell her ur g*y

  5. by not telling her frankly that u're not interested in her, u're giving her kind of hope .. it his this hope itself that gives her courage to always remain in contact with u...

    This hope, day by day, increases the love or infatuation she has for u ... if u don't stop it right away there may come a day when its too late.. she might get too involved in you, and when u'll tell her ur feelings, she'll be totally shattered...

    so just tell her now... if u don't want the situation to be worse off in the future  

  6. oh a double date how cute! she must be one ugly s***k if u have to say no, either that or ur standards r too high for what u look like

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