
This girl was punched in the faceby her x, then started sleeping with everyone. physcologicly. what happened?

by  |  earlier

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Any freuds in the house?? could abuse turn you into a s**t? Why?




  1. The other night I was poking around in my brothers bedroom when I noticed a worn out old wooden box. Being the curious person I am I opened it without any hesitation. To my surprise I found some blue mushrooms. As I inspected them closer curiousity got the better of me once again. At first I started to smell them which soon turned into tasting them. As I chewed on some I started to panic. "What if they're poisonous?" I worried. My worries were soon over shadowed by feelings of joy. As I layed down on my brothers bed I looked toward the window and saw a rainbow of colors. My attention quickly turned to the old TV.. the colors on the screen morphed onto the table then down to the floor like a magical waterfall. I started to laugh in my crazed state. By then I was starting to feel a little thirsty so I went into the kitchen. As I poured a glass of water the liquid seemed to shimmer like a million diamonds right before my very eyes. I walked toward the bathroom and started to flush the toilet. The sound was like nothing i'd heard. A million bulls galloping toward me. I started to panic. The toilet bowl quickly transformed itself into a swirling rainbow twister. Blue, red, green, yellow all the colors of the rainbow. Beautiful but deadly. They wanted to swallow me. I quickly retrieved  my hidden gun and started to shoot. I have come to warn all that read this.. beware of the mushrooms.

  2. Firstly, it's really disrespectful to refer to her as a s**t.

    Sometimes when a woman is abused she feels that she is not worth anything, and so they start behaving in ways that do not respect themselves.

    It happens a lot.

  3. i think its normal for girls to do this.

  4. must consult a phsycratist.

  5. it could be a manifestation of the abuse, but there's too little details to be able to discuss it thoroughly.

  6. Maybe she was a s**t before, and that's why she got punched.

  7. she cant trust men so sleeping with every tom d**k and harry poses no commitment. she should have her x charged.

  8. If she had self-esteem issues, being hit might have re-enforced them.  She might have started acting that way to prove to herself that she was attractive and lovable.

  9. Im not a Freud or psychologist or anyhtng like that.

    It sounds like somewhere in her mind she feels that by sleeping around she is taking out her revenge on him. Maybe she still thinks that because he hits here then it means that he loves her. She knows she cant physically fight him so she attacks him by doing the one thing she feels will hurt him.

    I dont know love is a funny thing to to understand especially abusive relationships. But I talk from observation of family and friends who have done similar things. I mean one of my aunts is still in a relationship and loves the guy who beat her up soo hard that in the face that she had partial paralysis in the face.

    One of my friends used to slep around with every girl behind his girls back. One day his girl started dating behind his back and he came to me craying cos he saw her at some restarant with some guy kissing.??????

    Some girls tell me that they like being in violent relationships cos its more exciting or somethng.

    Anyway thats my stab at it dude. If you find a better theory than mine please please post it back here or email me back im interested in these things.

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