I am a volleyball player from a small town team.
For years, our team has done...really badly, to put it as an understatement, in district play. It's NOT because the girls on the team are not talented (because they are), I think it's because we are not mentally strong enough to go up against these teams in our district.
For years now, we've been the blow off team.
and I'm tired of it.
I want THIS season, OUR season, to be the change, to show our district, and our school, that this year, Our team is not just going to roll over and give the opponents the game. That this year, we will be scrappy, aggressive, and that we are here to stay, to kick some butt.
Here's the problem:
Personally, I am in the "Do or die" mindset. That whatever I do, that ball is not going to hit that court on my watch. I strive for that every practice and every game.
it just seems that some of the others on the team are still in the "oh, we've lost for years now, why change?" mindset.
How can I get everyone else to have that "killer" mindset? to be able to put their hearts and souls into putting that ball in the air for a kill, no matter the cost?
We have so much talent on the team, and it just kills me that we aren't showcasing that during our games. It also kills me to know that our coaches KNOW we can do it, that they have so much faith in us, but we don't have any in ourselves to push it throught and win.
I want to show our coaches that we CAN pull through, that we CAN finish, and that we WILL give our all this season.
But I need the team to be on the same page.
how can I do that?
If you would drop an opinion, that's all I'm asking for.