
This goes out to everyone......if we put our minds together we can make the world a cleaner place?

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come up with some ideas either if its a program or an invention or a change of routine that will make a difference in the world we live on.......... share with me some of your ideas and hopeful we can make that little difference that can affect the future in a positive way .........thank you...




  1. 1. No more petroleum based diesel fuel. Diesels need to be burning vegetable oil.

    2. Laws putting restrictions on shipping containers. I work at a grocery store and every shipment we get has several HUNDRED pounds of excess cardboard and plastic (trees and petroleum oil) packaging

    3. No more hybrids as we know them. The production of the heavy metal batteries produce far more pollution than driving a regular gas only car.

    4. Laws requiring all gas stations to provide LNG, CNG and propane at reasonable cost.

    5. Taxes and penalties for driving SUVs and full size trucks that are not used for work or off road. To be fair, muscle cars should also be fined if they are being used wastefully. The funds go to planting trees and buying property in the Amazon to protect it.

    6. Raise the price of electricity to discourage wasting it.

  2. All great and practical ideas.

    Problem is, we are past the point of no return, despite all the best intentions of a few.

  3. here in my home we do not let our shower water or water used for washing dishes to drain.  We collect it and siphon it to water the back yard.  We also have our washing machine drain to the backyard as well.  If you think your soap will harm your yard, you can purchase better dish and clothing detergents made of natural products.  they cost the same and sometimes less than those that are most commonly used.  We recycle anything we possibly can.  The city has made it so much easier now since they have provided us with a bin and pick up every week.  We have switched our light bulbs to energy efficient ones.  We drive our prius and only use the truck when absolutely necessary.  I use my own bags at the grocery store.  Reuse whatever possible.  This way we Reduce the amount of waste we produce.  We are currently planning to run our home on wind power.  We do much more, but so many things have just become a part of life we don't even realize it anymore.  I tell you though being environmentally conscience if very satisfying.  Its not hard, but it is different.  Yet we are not exaggerated in our efforts (although there's nothing wrong with that either)  No one around us really thinks we are those "weird" environmentalists.

    The comment above me is good.  I would add having to pay for plastic bags when we shop.  this would avoid those who want to double bag everything and those who put 1 or 2 items in everybag.

  4. And that is a fact. Good info, everyone should read this. The intelligence is there, but, the ones who are in control of it are not going to let go of the fossil fuel and garbage disposal system that we have. Some are working on it, but it may, as always be to late. We seem to do things on our time schedule instead of the real one.

    Here's and idea, perfect it if you can, electricity, Tesla, Einstein, Edison, all in their own ways were trying to do just that. But fossil fuels jumped into the picture and were grasped onto. Now we will run out of those and people will need the other. Hydrogen is still unstable to us, it is getting there, but still unstable in a vast usage. It will come down to hydrogen, mark my words, but until then we must use electricity. Look up hydrogen on the table, it is so easy that it is dangerous. It is the future though. In my opinion anyway.

  5. I think the first step towards to make this world a cleaner place to live should at our own home, in our community.

    1) Try to use least energy in your apartment. I don't turn on the air conditioner unless it is so hot. I turn on the fan cooler instead in most of the summer nights. I spend five to six hours in local Macdonald on a daily basis, enjoying fish burger, pancakes, and coffee. I read the newspapers twice in the Macdonald as if it is my home.

    2) I walk to the park (located in the middle of the road)only early in the morning before 5:30 am for just half an hour before the d**n Hong Kong traffic begins. My next stay would be Macdonald for my breakfast and read my own newspaper.

    3) I shop with my own environment protection bag which is contributed by the local church on a daily basis.

    4) I take the bus about once a week, on Sunday for a special senior citizen discount to the urban townships.

    5) I walk to most of the stops to collect my money, to pay my bills, to shop, to do my laundry, and to dine in Chinese restaurant once a week.

    6) I sign the petitition for any organization to ask the Hong Kong Authority for more environmental protection actions. Green Peace, Harbour Areas Treatment  Scheme 2 (HATS), to against the Hong Kong government neglecting the Hollywood movie of the about the Batman cancelled the act of jumping into the filthy Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong for its stinky water didn't meet the World Health Organization Standards.

    7) I have also submitted a letter to the damned Hong Kong fascist chief executive, Donald Tsang Yum-kuen, to amend the new environmental protection law to restrict the two fossil fuel power generating stations in Hong Kong emitting the most of CO2 and combined with Hong Kong and mainland particulates. It caused many chronicle diseases of asthma, lung and heart.

    8) I am also an activist to lobby the Hong Kong government to restrict the diesel engine vehicles. We put pressure on the Bus companies to change new buses installed with Euro4 engines. They only owned two with Europ4 engine. They never learned that many European countries have outdated the Europ4 and replaced by Europe5 engines. d**n Hong Kong!!!

    9) We submitted a letter to the Medical Chief of Hong Kong, Dr. Chow Yat-wok and ask for better medical services to the 1.6 million citizens contracted with Air Pollution related diseseas.

    10) Our senior citizens group have signed a petition to the good for nothing Hong Kong Food and Hygine Department to hang more dogshit collection boxes in every 100 yards distance in all the backlanes, side streets, and side walks in Hong Kong. Most of the Hong Kong citizens have stepped on dogshits in Hong Kong streets once a week. I stepped on twice a week because of my poor eyesight.

    11) Hong Kong government should educate our young generation how to keep Hong Kong streets clean with a school cirriculum.

  6. Cleaner than what?  By every known measure the environment is cleaner now than it has been in more than a century.

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