
This got me concerned, will our freedom of speech be stopped?

by  |  earlier

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  1. They might try to force that on Americans, but they will see what we do to those who mess with our rights...and I'm not talking about the government here. That is only step one towards the goal of removing all our rights.  

  2. Rulings like this is another reason that the U.N. should be disbanded. They are becoming corrupt and as it appears, now, afraid to do their job. Whenever a person or group of people are given an abundance of power, this power is often abused, in the name of the greater good, but, are dead wrong and prejudiced toward or against certain ideas or persons.

    In this case, they are saying only the Islamic religion and world is perfect and all others are flawed. It is more an agenda of forcing a religious belief than it is an attack on freedom of speech, but that will come eventually, along with all other rights.

    The U.N., it seems, want a one world government with them as ruler. If this happens, the ruling factor will become the master and the rest will be slaves.

  3. This would effect judgments in the World Court, making it legal to kill Christian converts in Muslim countries. I don't think they want to hear the "good news". Christianity has in the past, flourished under persecution. Jesus is our avenger.

  4. This is something I hope everyone will read today. Thank you for posting this.

  5. Good grief!

    Instead of progressing we are going backwards!


  6. Is that real? Sometimes you get articles just trying to get people to hate muslims but that does look like it's real.

    Your right it is crazy.  Sharia law is crazy in my opinion.  You can't stone somebody to death because they are g*y etc and people have every right to criticize it if they don't feel it is right!  I have no problem with muslims especially since I have only met nice ones but I don't see why they (well some) are allowed to criticize christians and other religions and to persecute them in some countries but now people can't speak out against islamic law.

    Human rights in the islamic world? Don't people who convert to another religion often get put in prison and killed or just killed.  I personally don't really believe they have human rights in the islamic world.

    I think the UN should do more to protect people in the islamic countries who are being killed for the most unjust reasons.

    I think though most muslims don't believe in sharia law and want to live peacefully.

    In the bible it says there will be false prophets and teachers in the time to come and people will follow them and it will lead to destruction.  I think that is referring to muhammed.  I don't want to offend muslims but that's my opinion.

  7. Considering that this ban would directly contradict one of their own established articles of human rights, I highly doubt the veracity of the piece

  8. Interesting and scary read.

    As far as Christmas being banned goes, they haven't actually banned it here in Australia but since Multi Culturalism and Political Correctness has taken over Christmas is not the same in schools at all.

    Political Correctness has changed so much but what I don't understand is when or how the Western Counties began to bow to Islam.

    Thank You for sharing.


  9. It is true.

    Pat Condell, a very intelligent british guy,  was appalled and made a good video about this.

    I will post it here.

  10. Try not to get your news from right-wing propaganda sites.

    "What right wing propaganda? this is happening.."

    It's right-wing propaganda. That's why you had to go to a propaganda site to find it. That's why the story has no source - no way to verify its claim.

    Go try to find this story on legitimate news sites. You'll see that this story is just more right-wing political correctness.

    Go here

    and show me where the United Nations Human Rights Council has said this. You won't find it.

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