
This graph says it all. By looking only at the graph, can you see a pattern in temps?

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  1. What is "all"?  It says the planet has fairly regular climate cycles.  We already know that.  They're called Milankovitch Cycles, and according to them, we should be in the middle of a stable, long-term cooling cycle.

    Try looking at the graph again.  Do you really think the planet should be rapidly warming at this point?  If you do, I suggest you work on your pattern recognition.

  2. wow, if only the worlds scientists had looked on wikipedia, they would realise they were wrong!

    Quick, someone let climatologists know about Kroll-Milankovitch cycles, they must have not read those papers!!!

    (sorry for being sarcastic. I expect and deserve thumbs down. On a more serious note, I agree with Dana.)

    Hi Ben O, Yeah, I'm aware of the hockey stick thing.  Most scentists know about Milankovitch cycles though, its nothing new- I mean, it's on Wikipedia! Also, scientists do criticise each other all the time - look at the back and forth within the scientific community on the hockey stick issue.

  3. i can show you a graph that shows that we are still in a ice age.

    even your graph says we are still in a ice age.

    why do the global warming people want to keep us in a ice age.

    after 3 million years it time for mankind to warm up.

    think just how much oil we will save not having to heat our homes in the winter.

  4. Emmrah, thanks for the sarcasm! Now I don't have to...oh what the heck.

    It is with supreme intellect that you found a graph CREATED BY SCIENTISTS that show the Milankovitch cycle that SCIENTISTS didn't think of using to explain the current warming! You've broken the code, found the reason!!!

    I hereby nominate you for the Nobel prize for science. Sorry, but my influence with the Nobel committee carries as much weight as your scientific research abilities do on real scientists.

  5. Actually what the historical record indicates is that we should be cooling slowly now.

    Instead we're causing very rapid warming.  This graph says it all.

    The Sun is generating LESS heat (but we're holding more of it in).

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

  6. When you put it next to this graph (and add a little knowledge) three things become pretty clear:

    1) Major natural climate changes have occurred in the past and are considered the best explanation for some of the great extinction events in history.

    2) The natural cycles should have us cooling instead of warming right now.

    3) Humans emissions of CO2 are 150-times as much as all the volcano's (subaerial and submarine) in the world.

    Humans are part of nature and humans can clearly impact nature. Anyone that's ever seen a strip mine or a major ant colony, knows that species ranging from ants to humans can drastically affect their own environment.

  7. Bob, funny you should say historical records like events from history.

    Naturally you mean the Micheal Mann version of history which was generated by a computer programming error.  

    The historians version of history has events like the Swedish Army marching ac cross the frozen Baltic Sea during the little ice age in 1650 which would tend to suggest that the climate change was quite significant back then.


    Emmrah, if the public don't hold scientists accountable, then nobody else will.  Research is a very political field and scientists almost never criticise each other.  It would be a bad career move to do so.

    You should read the story of the hockey stick graph for how a member of the public pointed out that the research was entire the product of a computer programming error.  A lot of scientists knew it, but It was pollitically impossible to point out "The emperor has no clothes".

  8. Will someone please explain how our influence can effect the rest of the solar system! The Sun is generating more heat, and this global warming scam will create more power for those propagating it!

  9. Look, this is complicated stuff, so while there is a pattern, the implication is not what you think.  Here's the background.

    Read it and understand some things about ice sheets, CO2, and their possible feedbacks.  I like the quote in the paper that said "the problem is everything is correlated to everything."  enjoy!

  10. China blanketed by the worst winter storm in 50 years! Now how to spin that into "proof of global warming."

    Just think of all the money that has been dumped in the global warming scam.

    Total CO2 in the atmosphere is 3000 gigatons, and annual human CO2 production is about 20 gigatons. The annual CO2 loading of the atmosphere is less tha 1% per year. However, there is 50 times or 150 000 gigatons of co2 contained in the oceans, so man's contribution to the combined total of atmospheric and oceananic co2 is negligable.

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