
This guy at work keeps calling me 'The Van Face' as he says I look like a van, what can I do about him?

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This guy at work keeps calling me 'The Van Face' as he says I look like a van, what can I do about him?




  1. hit him

  2. Reverse over him .

  3. No DON'T hit him!  You will get into serious trouble as I'm sure you are aware.  Report him to the personnel department or supervisor if it is really a problem for you.  He's being insulting which can be deemed bullying in the workplace.  

    If it's just silly and he's not really bothering you any other way, blank him (totally ignore him), he'll soon get the message and it won't seem such a funny thing for him to say after a while.

    Good luck.

  4. Report the useless idiot to your boss! He's obviously upsetting you, so report the nasty little f**k. There are employment laws to protect you from harassment like that.

    Good luck and I'm sure you don't look like a van.

  5. Run him over!

  6. there is always one a*****e like that in every job you need to confront him and give him a good boot up the a r s e but be careful he WILL be the type that goes whining to the boss whenever anyone says anything to him.

    He also will  be the pet monkey of the boss.

  7. fight him

  8. This guy is obviously doing this to annoy you,go to your boss.

    Or like just tell him what you think of him,maybe help getting it off your chest.

  9. Why don't you just give him a piece of your mind, it's obvious that he is getting a real kick out of this.  I don't think it's right for him to be calling you names.

    Be strong and don't let it get you down.

  10. Report him to your boss and if boss doesn't do anything about it you can sue the whole company for lots of cash.

  11. this is verbal abuse and harassment go to your boss or personnel department and tell them that you are not happy the way this person is treated,if things don't change go and see a solicitor and have them send a letter to him if this still dosn't work take him to court,as no-one has the right to treat you in this way,there are laws made to protect you from this please use them

  12. I know, you go straight up to him and give him a piece of your mind!!! Hes a jerk and hasnt a clue about anything!!

    He needs someone to show him exactly how small he really is.

  13. tell him that he looks like a pug.-blurey

    it may be the only way he knows how to get your attention, he may actually be trying to woo you.-blurey

  14. Just thump him & say, "you have been hit by a van".

    It is no use being nice in the face of deliberate insults.

  15. If you haven't already done so, tell him that you don't appreciate his comments.  Tell him you want him to stop.  If he continues you need to report it to your supervisor.  You should not be subjected to his rude remarks.  Above all don't take it personally, I'm sure your looks have nothing to do with his remarks.  He's just one of those people that needs to hurt others so he can feel superior.

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