
This guy gave me a free tank & stand?

by  |  earlier

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I posted a ad on craigslist about 3 days ago about buying a 80 gallon tank and stand. Well yesterday i got a reply from this guy telling me that he'll give me his 80 gal tank and stand for free only if I take care of it. I thought he was playing at first until he asked for my phone number and address and about 45 minutes later he called and told me that he's only 5 minutes away from where I live & to be waiting for him. I got the tank and it's in like new condition & I also got everything I need to get started. He only asked that I keep in touch to let him know how it goes and to send him pics. Why would someone give up a fish tank this big & a stand etc for free?




  1. maby he dosent have enough space  

  2. Cause he's a creepy stalker who has an ulterior motive! Stay far away, midear, and don't give him any more personal information! Break all contact and hopefully he'll go away. If he does anything strange, report him.

  3. maybe the person is movin,or got heartbroken wen his fishes died and didnt want to keep any more cause he thinks he cant take care of it thts y he gives it to someone whom he thinks can take care of it,or probably he lyks u and wants to be nice and keep in touch!!

    since he gave his address first so he doesnt seem to be a stalker

    i wish someone would give me THAT FOR FREE !! i would be REALLY happy!

    pls give me the website where u posted the ad

  4. He probably doesnt have room for the fish tank anymore.. Thats why he gave it to you for free..and asked you to show him pictures and stuff .. He probably wanted to keep fish for longer or something?

    He probably isnt a stalker/whatever.. But just wants to know how your fish tank is going after a while?

    I'm used to those kind of things. I'm in Australia, where people are more friendly.. So just because they ask you to keep in touch, doesnt mean they are stalkers.. Maybe they just want to keep in touch, for the sake of it? Or to be friends because you live close by to each other?

    Wait..Scratch that...  He gave it all to you completely free? You didnt pay anything at all? Consider yourself lucky. Maybe he was just being nice ?

  5. It could be totally innocent, but my first instincts would tell me to watch out for this guy. And if I were you I would not have given him my home address. I would have met him somewhere else and brought a buddy along with me. There is no reason to be paranoid but I would suggest carrying around a small thing of pepper spray with you just in case.  

  6. He probably just doesn't have the room or maybe everything died and he just can't look at the  thing because all his babies are gone..

    Do you have a steam cleaner ? I would definitely sterilize everything before introducing any life into the tank...No steamer ? Bleach, every crack and crevice...Then rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse...

    There's no reason to be concerned ofcourse as long as everything is properly sterilized...You got a great deal !!

  7. Yeah, I'd watch out for him.

    Before you use the tank, soak it in a bleach solution [one part bleach, to nineteen parts water I believe] for a few hours, then rinse it VERY well. Fill it with water and twice the amount of dechlorinator that you would normally use per gallon. Then rinse it again and use it. It sounds like a pain but it's better than having your fish die =]

  8. It's possible he's moving and cant take the tank with him, cant be bothered selling it. (you cant get much for 2nd hand tanks). So he gave it to someone that wanted it.

    OK, he could be a crazy stalker, but thats one of the more unusual ways of going about it ;-)

    Dont look a gift horse in the mouth.


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