
This guy hit me...? [preferably girls only?

by  |  earlier

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Mmk .

im fourteen and so is the guy.

Alright me and him got kinda flirty once and junk but then my BEST friend told me she liked him a lot so i stopped flirting with him but he wouldnt stop flirting with me so i stopped hanging out with him and then out of nowhere he started calling me names.. like the "w" word and the "b" word and the "s" word and a few more.

And then tonight i was with my friends and he was there and he's like "Hi B****" So i ignored him but he kept giving me dirty looks so i punched him in the stomach , but im pretty weak and i know my punches dont hurt so out of nowhere he comes and punches my arm, and it cracked and now its red and purple.

It hurt like mad.. and now my boyfriend wants to re-arrange his face.

but like.. i dont know what to do.. what would you do..?




  1. Did you ever explain to him why you no longer flirted with him or hung out with him? I think you may have, possibly totally by accident, led him on. Maybe he has no control  over his temper, which isn't really his fault, I think your boyfriend should hold off on the face re arranging until after you have had a discussion with him about the altercation. also i think punching him  before telling him to leave you alone may not have been your best choice.

  2. let ur bf re-arrange his face

  3. I SAY YOU AND YOUR BF BOTH GO BEAT HIM UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This guy who hit you has been angry with you for a while because you, apparently, hurt his male ego by ignoring him - that's one of the difficulties this generation has to live with due to dating at an age when they haven't, yet, left childhood.  While a guy should never lay a hand on a girl, you asked for it with your aggressiveness - what did you expect him to do, smile?  When he first began to call you bad names is when you should have nipped this in the bud by finding 2 or 3 older, and much bigger, guys to take him somewhere private and give him The Talk - the talk that says:  If you speak to, name-call, or go near this girl again, you'll be in the nearest hospital for a week.

    It appears you haven't the common sense to realize that, when you hang out with people who act inappropriately, it "rubs off" - why are you within a mile of him?  Nothing will be solved by your boyfriend rearranging this guy's face except to show that he has stooped to the same level of immature behaviour - why don't the both of you look for some polite people to be friends with and hope some of this "rubs off" onto you?  See link ...

  5. tell him that you stopped flirting with him because a friend of you're likes him and you think that your friend is more important that you are. If he keeps messing with you, tell your boyfriend it's ok to give him a make over.  

  6. Never, never, NEVER EVER let a guy hit you and do nothing about it. You see, the cliche rule "Guys shall not hurt girls" is, in this case, right. Let you boyfriend beat him up.  


    No guy should hit you ever, unless your dad is like spanking you or something. Seriously if he does all this to you, you need to tell like a counselor or something. I know it might sound like "babyish", but seriously would you rather be getting hit or solve the problem? And just tell him "To eff off." and if he doesn't then that's a problem. No guy is supposed to put their hands on a girl so you better end this before it gets to serious. And tell your best friend that she should stop liking him because he could be a sign of an "abuser to girls".

    Btw: Violence isn't the answer only when neccessary and in this case, it's neccessary.

  8. next time, i'd keep my hands off of other people!

  9. you shouldn't have hit him...but let you and your boyfriend teach him a lesson

  10. well first of all atleast you learned violence isnt the answer. never use that until last resort -- and people always say that but now you know its true. you shouldnt have. but now the past is done.

    you should tell your bf that it wasnt all of the guy's fault if you want to prevent fighting. but dont do it the wrong way that you sound like you still have feelings for him other than being friends.

    trust me no more violence. fire and fire makes a bigger fire. stop it now

    and try to persuade your boyfriend. try to make the pain seem less no matter how much it hurts. it is a tough position now but then again you shouldnt have used violence. Im sorry if I'm sounding rude but it is a lesson you seriously have to learn.

    You should stop it no matter how hard your feelings are toward the guy. Only bad vibes will be sent back and forth. Try to tell him different reasons. One I would use is that "I would like to fight my own battles by my own" that way you gain a bit of independence for the future and the fighting would stop. That's just my opinion

    but either way i wish you the best of luck!

    But I'm sorry I have different opinion than the others. Because remember he wouldnt have hit you if you hand't hit him first. Just my opinion

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