
This guy in my dream?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know why but when I day dream about a guy he's drop dead beautiful, as in pale with long black hair, and black eyes. Well anyways in my dream he was stroking my hair strange thing was that i was fair then normal, and blacker hair,but i had this cut across my face that was bleeding i also seemed to be shaking in my dream also. He was so loving with his actions but he kept saying 'I hate you so much' he was smirking too ....

I was just wondering, does this dream mean anything?




  1. Psychology section probably has people with better answers.

    In your dream, it looked like a situation where the guy hurt you physically and you're being afraid of that person. That person is a just plain crazy guy, or you probably did something to him that would make him do this to you. I personally have smiled before while I was saying that I hate that person. It was probably from satisfaction that he was able to scare you and hurt someone he hates and/or wants to hurt. Maybe it's telling your future(although I don't believe in those kinds of things). I learned this before and your dream can definitely be explained. I kind of forgot it though. Why don't you contact a professional if it worries you too much in order to get a better/more straight forward answer to it.

    Having dark hair colors, shaking/being afraid of a certain person, and you're physically hurt in your dream and you're bleeding. I have learned some of these situation but I just can't seem to remember how to explain this. All these does have a meaning to it. Something in your brain is instinctively wanting and/or warning you about something. Not in a mythological/psychic kind of way. I mean in a more realistic term.

  2. Maybe you want a boyfriend? Or maybe this is your future husband?

  3. Did you ever compare yourslef to something? Like I am this hot person, or I am the nerd?!

    Im praying for you,


  4. honestly this guy sounds like an acquaintance of mine... he acts like he hates the girls hes with... not necessarily visibly hating them but he treats them like c**p a just uses them for s*x... but hes a really good sweet-talker with girls and buys them "nice" things. so if this sounds anything like him, be careful
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