
This guy is SERIOUSLY pissing me off!!!!!!!! what do i do?

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im 16. there is a guy in one of my classes who sits diagonally in front of me and we both face the same way but i have to turn my head to the left to look at my teacher when the teacher is talking. i think this guy thinks im looking at him but I'M NOT! the guy is really popular, and kinda cocky and now i think he thinks that i like him. whenever someone near me is asking a question he pretends to be looking at them but i CAN SEE HIM glancing at me he is glancing at me all the time now its so annoying. sometimes when i see him outside of class if i look where he is sitting or whatever i see him giving me a blank stare. also, he is always glancing to look back at me during class when he is turning around to talk to his friend but i pretend to be reading or doing something so i don't have to look up at the teacher b/c then the guy will think i am looking at him! i can't move seats but i don't think i like him. i only liked him for like 3 days and even then i didn't stare on purpose.




  1. Tell your brother or another male friend to deliver this message in person.

  2. someone has a crush and jealous, get over it geesh!

  3. yeah, i love u too baby!

  4. i beileve hes looking for another knotch in his belt you that is be careful cause sounds like you are abit interested and i think you'd best be really clear of him hes a jerk and you must realize it take care.

  5. maybe you do like him but u just dont no it, and maybe he likes you, you just have to give it time before u no it im sure you will be talknig and maybe even dating but wait it out and see what happens

  6. omg .... you have to relax a little bit, or else you'll be having anxiety problems .

  7. ok, im no expert, but as a guy, i think i can elaborate. please read on.

    You see guys have testosterone. Almost unhealthy amounts of it. It makes us think we are the top dog, that we rule, that we are the center of attention. This guy is just loaded with *manure* about how you like him. Also, judging by his behavior, h**l move on when theirs another thing stroking his ego. If he doesnt move on, just keep ignoring him. because he is male his attention span is really sho- Oh look, BACON!

  8. wow you know so much about him.

    If you really didn't care, you would not be thinking about it.

    Maybe he's pissing you off because he's right and you hate it.

  9. why are you paying attention to him?

    if you didnt like him, you wouldnt know about his relationships cause you wouldnt care.

    and it takes two people to see a stare.

    remember this, if you can see someone staring at you, you must be looking at them to even know they are.

  10. I think you really like him.

    But seriously, here's what you can do:  Get a new boyfriend (preferably from another city) and show a picture of him to the guy in your class and ask him "isn't he hot?".  I guarantee your class friend will not look at you again.  Then dump your new boyfriend if necessary but don't let anyone know.

  11. Just ignore him, and sit in a new seat in class

  12. maybe hes loking at the pesron behind you

  13. Call him out in front of everyone!  If you say "What's your deal?  Why do you keep staring at me and not talking?  What are you a stalker?"  Either this will embarass him into getting over tormenting you, or it will break the ice enough so that he'll back off... either way, he has control right now, and the second you take action, you gain your power back and he will know that... there is no promise that it will end well, but at least YOU will feel empowered and HE will no longer have the higher ground, If he makes any act of retaliation will be noticibly a sign of weakness on his part.  Chill out, have fun, it's not that important...

  14. I think he does like you... I'd probably keep it cool and make sure that he knows your NOT STARING. Even when you think your taking a glance and you think he can't see you; he probably can. So maybe he's getting a 'she likes me vibe even though we don't talk and I should stare back'. If its a smile then he likes you. If its blank like you said, I'd ditch staring at him and keep on with the school work [or another cute guy[.

  15. Grow up and realize you do like him!

  16. Dont show him any signs that may make him think you are interested in him suxh as smileing at him starring(which you dont do).He pretty much thinks you like him, so you gotta show him you dont like him. you might have to be a little mean but ignore him and shut him out. Pretend hes not there. hope it helps.

  17. My opinion>He is curious about you, and way to impressed with himself. Probably used to gals falling all over him, your not, that makes you a challenge. Hope you don't fall for it.

    Just try to totally "forget" he even exists and go about your business. good luck

  18. ignore him he'll go away.......unless he like fell in love with you its happened to me b4

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