
This guy is so totally hot! How can you help me? I'm really confused.

by  |  earlier

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I'm a teenager. I just got a new neighbor down the street and he is a totally hot guy lol. I have only talked to him once, about a dog park. lol but like yeah i tried to talk to him today, but i just couldn't get ANYTHING out lol. Is it wierd that i get tongue tied before i even know a guy?




  1. Call him, play See You Again, leave your phone number.

  2. i know that feeling. its awkward. i like to talk about something i enjoy so im comfortable talking with a guy. talk about sports, music, movies, what you like to do, etc...

    hope i helped!

  3. It is normal. It happens to a lot of people. Don't worry and just try to be calm around him. Things will work out. Best of luck.

  4. it's not weird at all, actually. i got tongue tied when i liked Sebby Kaiser from my camp, but i told him that i liked him to his face. even though he said he was indifferent about having a girlfriend at the time, i still had the courage to ask him. i now like another guy from camp who's much older than me. you should have the courage to talk to this guy & bring up randomly if he likes you like that

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