
This guy isn't paying me back the money he owes?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in high school and I agreed to do this guy's project for $30 because I liked him. It's been about 2 weeks since and he refuses to pay me! I bought his supplies with my own money so I'm losing profit. I know that this was a stupid mistake on my part and I no longer like him because of this but how can I get my money back without freaking out on him? Please help!!




  1. I was in the same position I lend a freind $ 80. You have to be straight up, and bug him about it, you have to freak him out or else he won't care. I know u want to keep it cool but you need your money back.

  2. You learned a couple valuable lessons for a very cheap price.

    1) People can, and often will, use you if you blindly follow your emotions.  Remember that their priorities may not be the same as yours.

    2) Don't trust people who show they're untrustworthy. (After all, it's not exactly honest to ask someone else to do your work for you....)

    Be glad it wasn't a harder lesson -- he could have strung you along, asked more of you, hurt you more, for example.  Learn from it and let it go!

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