
This guy likes me and hes a jerk what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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this guy likes me and he wont let me meet ne other people and hes mean to other boys around me, i don't want him to be like that and i don't want other boys at my hs to think I'm mean because he likes me :( plz help




  1. Stay away from him.

  2. What should you do? Tell him off for it. Call him on it. Seriously, don't go into a relationship with a guy who is a jerk. If you want him to change, the best way to do it is to confront him about it! Go up to him and tell him that you're not interested in being with him if he's going to continue acting mean towards everyone.

    Do it in front of the other boys around you, that will dispell all thoughts of you being mean as well. Stand up for yourself sista!

    And if he's not letting you meet other people...s***w him! Seriously, you're not a prize, so don't let keep you behind glass, you know?

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