
This guy played me really bad i need advide:(?

by  |  earlier

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well not so long ago this guy played me iam 13 and he is 16.

i new he wouldnt be going out with no 13 year old

but he played me and he even said he liked me and things

like that then one day he has a girl..i know i wasnt his girl

but thats *****d up and i need to get advide on how i can get

him to atleast be like

"man i cant believe i played her like that"

in a way he would regret wat he did to me.

and please answerr pleasee:)) ill answer one of yours:)




  1. You can't change other people, only yourself.

    You're 13 so it's understandable that you don't know this.  Even some 63 year olds don't even understand this.

  2. move on. rather than getting even, just get ahead. make yourself a lot better if you're going to see him again in the future. just be a different person, one that he can look at and say "d**n I could have stuck with HER"

  3. He's young, you're young and he's fickle.  Not at the age where he's gonna' stay steady for long.  I suggest you start meeting other guys as well.  Don't put all your eggs in one basket.  You both are at ages where you need to explore.  Have fun and enjoy it.

  4. He doesn't care about you and he doesn't care what you think - he never did. I'm sorry to be blunt but you are very young and if you don't grasp reality you are going to be played all over again. 16 year old boys are not all like this but some will tell you anything they need to to get what they want from you. He is not going to regret what he did because you fell for it. The best revenge really is to take better care of yourself in future, that way you keep your dignity and you are wiser when the next player comes along. You deserve to be treated with love and respect, carry yourself with pride and judge boys by what they DO not what they SAY. Best wishes to you.

  5. If I were you I wouldn't do that.You may end up making yourself more hurt.You're just 13 and you've your whole life ahead of you,move on!

  6. He's a tw*t.

    Some guys are like that, especially at that age.

    You'll just have to forget him and move on (:

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