
This guy posted this on our town's website...?

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we posted a topic about kids being picked on at our middle school for being bi and one guy said this "Why do we let pedophiles out of prison? It is their sexual preference"

I think I know what he means but im 14 so I could be wrong.

so b4 i reply to it I wanna be sure. What does he mean?




  1. they prefer s*x with minors.

    it is dirty and wrong. how could any ones sexual preference be someone so young. their are trick matters involved to cloud up the issue, like what should the age difference be to be allowed to do it or be considered a predator. but i wont go in to that.

  2. He's being an hole, saying that pedophiles are just as "innocent" as homosexuals. And that a g*y's 'sinful deed' should be treated like s*x with a minor. That's very stupid of him to think that, but w/e. It's HIS ignorance.

  3. mmm maybe he doesn't know what bi is?  But he is right why do they let the pedophiles out of jail? they can't be rehabilitated they should be shot instead or have their genitals taken off before returning to society.

  4. It seems he's suggesting adults/ex cons are pedophiles and are interested in 'bisexual' kids...  What you've listed as 'his statement' is not very clear.  Pedophiles are actually more heterosexual than homosexual...something like 90-95% of pedophiles are heterosexual...just check with your local police dept. and/or library...  And, just because someone has been incarcerated does NOT mean they are pedophiles.  Matter of fact, inmates who are identified as pedophiles are kept segregated in prison because the other inmates target them...and, many times, kill them for going after children.  Another thing you might be interested prisons are NOT co-educational facilities...same s*x situations DO arise in prison...but are usually abandoned when the inmate in released back into a 'heterosexual' world...the prison 'rapes' one hears about is a lot more about 'violence' than 'homosexual' escapades...  The person who wrote to the town website seems to be lacking in quite of bit of knowledge about the subject...

  5. because pedophiles like kids just like sum girls like girls and sum guys like guys...they think that it is the same..but i think that it is totally different cuz they like little kids who are to innocent to know whats going on and know what i mean?

  6. OK I am gonna try to be brief with this so here goes. Pedophiles have s*x with minors. They come in all shapes and sizes with all ranges of sexuality..there are straight Pedophiles and g*y ones .some are even organized and are trying to gain mainstream acceptance. Now here is the part that seems to confuse the ignorant among us not all g*y or bi males arpedophileses just like not all straight men want to have s*x with young girls. It is a tinsegmentnt of each group that has this perversion.  But what I think your particular moron is trying to say is that bi people deserve the abuse and is trying to justify it by equating them to paedophiles. Its called faulty logic

  7. If there is not a computer-savvy adult responsible for the children's section of your town's website, somebody is going to need a defense lawyer when a s*x offender gets into some kid's home.

    Tell your parents that the town has put children in charge of an open portal. Then explain the dangers to your parents.

  8. He's basically being homophobic.

    A paedophile sleeps with minors, which is illegal, so he's implying that it's illegal to be g*y or bisexual - not a very tollerant view.

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