
This guy...?

by  |  earlier

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keeps talking like he owns me.

He told my boyfriend that he better watch me cause i would go for him in a heartbeat(which i wouldn't)

He thinks that i like him and that i'm only with my boyfriend to kill time till i can be w/ him.

but it is completly untrue.

I think he is a perv and in youth group he is always all over me, he come up behind me and puts his hands in my hoodie pockets, always has his hand on my leg and our pastor made him move across the table on day because she heard me tell him if he touched me again he died.

What do i do about him.

In september i'm going to have to see him everyday because he will be on my bus.

I'm afraid i'll have a horrible reputation before i even start my years in high school.

what do i do?

and don't say just ignore him, that makes him worse




  1. Tell him what you think of him, tell him that you think he's scum etc....

    Make sure your bf is there so he no's you really mean it,

    I don't if this will help cos i havent met the guy but anythings worth a shot

    good luck

  2. You need to talk to him and tell him how you feel. If you have a hard time with that call him on the phone so you don't have to see his face. If that doesn't work go to your parents or another adult you trust and tell them what is going on. It may come down to taking out a restraining order against him if nothing else works. In fact, tell him that.

  3. Get your boyfriend to beat him up or something.

  4. tell him not in a nice friendly way to BACK OFF!i mean enough is enough...from what ur saying, this guy soudns like a....well, a really big jerk...just say ur tired of him, ur sick of the way he's treating you, you LOVE your bfand you would never in a million years date him

  5. Tell ur paster he is really making you uncomfortable. Hopefully, that will get him straight and leave you alone.

  6. simple to end your trouble let your boyfriend kill him.

  7. this guy prob really like you. And he is going about getting your attention in any way he can, like trying to get your boy to dump you and by making people think your already with him so no one eles makes advances and if you get a rep no one else will wan to go out with you so then you will go out with him... You need to just flat out yell at him that your not into him and never will be that   you think he is weird and a perv. If you wanna do it in front of ppl then thats you choice but it will hurt him. Maybe once he calms down he might try being nice to you, or at least you friends.

  8. Confront him or have your boyfriend kick his ***.

    I wouldn't let any guy talk/act like that to my girlfriend.

  9. break up

  10. tell him u dont like ans get ur bf to kick his ***
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