
This guy told me nordic people are the most attractive...?

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wtf are nordic people and why the eff are they most attractive?




  1. Note: Hitler was rooting for the Aryan Race, and then he selected the Scandinavian-type, as the most pure-blooded and corruption free descendant of the Aryan bloodline. He was interested in creating a master race by breeding nordic type people AFAIK.

  2. look it up and see, you'll know why then.

  3. To some persons Nordics are the most attractive, to others it is the Middle Easterners, to others its the English, to some its the Asians, to some its Africans, to others its Eskimos. Do you get the drift? Its all subjective and depends on the observer wouldn't you agree? "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder".

  4. Hitler called Nordics "the master race."

  5. Nordic usually refers to Northern Europe.

    "...a physical type characterized by tall stature, long head, light skin and hair, and blue eyes." Such as Scandinavians. Not my personal choice of most attractive. Each to their own.

  6. Just because "this guy" told you that doesn't mean everyone thinks that way. Maybe that is his personal choice of what he finds attractive.

    A quick, easy internet search will educate you on who are considered nordic type people.  

  7. Nordic is the term for people generally from Norway the ethnic grouping is Scandanavian.  Down through history they have had this appellation for the grace and beauty they possess, and have had many artists renderings on the subject.  

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