
This guy told my friend i was ugly?

by  |  earlier

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it really hurts. what should i say or do ?




  1. everyone has their opinion. If he doensn't think you are cute so what? there are probably many guys that think different. Don't even worry about it. as long as you are confident in who you are other peoples opinion shouldn't matter.

  2. Ummm...

  3. ignore it

    beauty is from within

    you could get a makeover as well

  4. forget him people will always love you and some will always hate you its the same with celebs some people adore paris hilton some think shes ugly get over what ONE person thinks

  5. wear tighter clothes........  

  6. tell ur self ur pretty and that hes just an ***

  7. He's insecure as h**l.

  8. nothing you can do. accept your ugliness

  9. Put a t**d under your pillow tonight, then while you sleep the p**p will magically runn away and find itself smeered all over his sheets, he'll think he pooped the bed, but you'll know better.

  10. slap him across the face

    reply mines;...

  11. who cares what other people. if you think your pretty then you are

  12. it depends who this guy is.

    if he was your crush, then just forget about it. he's not worth it.

    if he was your best friend, then same; he's not worth it.

    and you just have to stop talking to him.

    he's probably a jerk anyways.

    you shouldn't care, i know it's hard not to.


  13. Ugly is in eye of beholder... U r ugly to him cz u not an easy lay. N thats something to be proud of! You'll net yr self a decent hubby in time... n he will still be on the prowl. Beautiful babe u are xx

    And... i'd have second thoughts re: how good a friend your friend was to btw.

  14. Why does it "hurt"?

    Ignore him duh..

  15. Well, if its your friend that was told this and she didn't decide to team against you as a result... I would really try not to take it personally.

    I honestly thing your best choice is to ignore this guy- give him attention (even if it's in a negative sense) usually feeds more harassment.

  16. punch him in the face so he can be ugly i hate guys like that

  17. either he likes you or he doesn't like you. well duh of course. oh yeah. i would ignore him because Ive noticed i can get people mad when i pretend they aren't there  

  18. Don't say anything! Just ignore it.

    Do you like this guy?

    He's not worth it!

  19. Don't say anything. Ignore him and move on to someone who appreciates women no matter what.

  20. you should realize that hes a jerk and you don't deserve to be called ugly, nobody deserves to be called ugly. another thing you should realize.. is that there would be other people who would feel WORST about being called ugly, so keep your head up and don't show any sign of downess, it'll only show that his words got you deep

  21. wow that's terrible.

    A real friend would never say that.

    Don't be friends him with anymore

  22. are you ******* kidding me?

  23. Ignore him that is one guy out of a million+ in this world you can't let that a**holes little comment bother you so much

  24. First of all, I feel your friend shouldn't have told you what he said.

    There isn't anything you can do about his opinion. It depend on how you feel about yourself. Is what he said defines who you are? I been told my whole life that I was pretty until one day this guy told my friend that I wasn't that pretty. I'm not conceded but I was surprise of his comment. It never changed who I was. Not everyone is going to look at you the same way. Halle Berry is considered one of the most beautiful women, but I know someone who said that she looks like any other woman and that she wasn't all that. See what I mean? Everyone has an opinion. You just be true to yourself!

  25. Say and do nothing.  He's a random guy.  How does this affect your life?

  26. U cant do anything,just forget about out,nobdy is ugly,every1 is the same,different,or simalar,just move on and dont feel bad for urself .

  27. ignore him

    slap him

    tell him u knw u whnt me

    your mother!!!!!

    all/any of the above....

  28. Not be his friend! That's not something a friend tells a friend!

  29. If the guy really said that and he told your friend, you're friend should not have been so brutally honest.  She didn't have to tell you or she could have said he is not really into you.  She must have wanted to hurt you on some level.  There is also a chance she could be lying and likes him herself.  I would tell her that you don't want to hear anything that anybody says about you secondhand and from now on you want to hear it from the person themselves or not at all.  Also, let her know that it hurt you, and you didn't need to hear that.  Maybe she'll wise up.

  30. Pffft you care what some guy thinks?

  31. forget about that rude comment because that is not true.

    give him a rude snarl when you see him.  

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