
This happen to anyone else?

by  |  earlier

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my son and daugther were playing basketball and having a fun time. My son is 7 and my daugther is 32. I guess some harsh words were spoken and out of no where my daugther punched my son in the nads. he started to cry, what do i do?




  1. I agree with hootie... Is she really 32? Please ad addition details saying if she is. Basically go with what hootie said, and if she really is 32 she should know better.

  2. I think maybe your daughter is 12? not 32?  Either way, I think it needs to be addressed immediately.  Children need to be taught to respect each other's bodies and feelings.  It's impossible to judge who said what when and so forth if you were not witness to it, but i would make sure that both are left with an understanding of what is and what is not acceptable in your household.  If you actually have a 32 yo and a 7 yo and they are fighting on that level - dude, get off the computer.  You've got major problems.....

  3. get a life.

  4. Your daughter has issues and needs Help.  Get her to a Christian Psychologist

  5. If your daughter is living with you punish her, and ground her.  If she is just visiting tell her she needs to leave or punish her.

  6. Where did your daughter get the idea it's okay to punch people???  And she hit a child!  BTW - it's a little late now to be reacting.

    You will have to tell her that if she ever lays a hand on a child again in front of your eyes, that she will never be allowed back.  This is serious stuff and she should know that her horrible behavior will not be tolerated.

    You need to protect your son and let him know that that kind of behavior needs to be punished.

  7. 32???? I think you made a mistake in her age. She should be told that she could really hurt some one doing that and she could cause some serious damage and that being she is older, she shouldn't be hitting her brother.

  8. Okay first of all if your daughter is 32 she has serious issues if a 7 year old boy can make her made enough to punch him in the balls. Now, if she is 3 that would be more like it, and at that age they hit, whatever they can and unfortunately it was his privates. We make a big deal about privates around here and no touching or hitting. She would definitely need a time out and a talking to about hitting. But if she is 3 you need to do it immediately or else she would have forgotten what had happened and the punishment just be a waste. I would talk to your son and tell him that we all need to remind her not to hit and you need his help because she doesn't know what she's doing. He may be sore and a little embarrassed but he'll be okay. Once again if she is 32 she needs some serious help and cannot be left alone with her siblings.

  9. At 32 your daughter is to old to be treating your son like that. Now if that was a mistake and she is 3 She needs to be taught that hitting is wrong.

  10. ur daughter is one cool broad. i wish i had a daughter like that to much my kids in the nads. kids are stupid and so are all of u people that post on this piece of shiit website.***** u all and go to h**l. i like turkey ruebens sandwiches and hooray for hilary clinton. i also recommend using mach 3 turbo gillette for shaving ur aasshair as opposed to ripping them out individually. i like watching dr phil on the weekkends and taking huge shiits and gluing my *** to the toilet bowl. i think people should be kicked in the nads all the time. viebranz sellse crack cocaine which he gets from the streets of la and sells for cheap because his aass smells like chilli cheese fries.FUUUCK U ALL

  11. nope and y the h**l do u have a 7 yr old son and a 32 yr old daughter

  12. Explain to your daughter how inappropriate it is to hit someone, and also to hit them especially in the private areas. She needs to be reprimanded and make sure she apologizes to her brother.

  13. omg...

    i hate to answer a question with a question...

    why is there such an age difference between your children?

    were they playing together well previously?

    under the lack of knowedge of the 2 in question... 7 year olds can say some pretty vulgar things...

    and no 7 year old should be punched in the "sack" either...

    talk to your daughter... that seems to be the key here...

  14. I'm guessing the age of your daughter was a typo... 32??

    You should certainly punish your daughter and give your son lots of attention. Don't give the attention to the one who misbehaved... give the attention to the one who got hurt. That way your daughter knows that to get attention she can't hurt people.

  15. 32 yr old SHOULD not be beating up a lil kid.

    Please bring this to her attention! you can call the cops

  16. whatever your son said he did NOT deserve an adult punching him in the nuts where lasting damage can be done

    i hope you made that point very clear to her as she is old enough to know better!

    and why is she still at home anyway at her age?

    i had a family of my own at 32

  17. Since your daughter is 32, I would go outside and beat the h**l out of her...She should know better!

  18. does the 32 year old have a developmental delay or what? this is a very immature scenerio, first that she punches a kid, then she denies her involvement, I would need to know first -why is she there? Punishment is ridiculous for a 32 year old woman.

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