
This happens alot to me in my dream...What can it mean...?

by  |  earlier

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I have food in my mouth for a looong time, and it tastes disgusting, i never swollow it, it just stays in my mouth and just sits there... Then it begins to taste horrible and it makes me gag, and i need to go to a trash can or bathroom to pull the food out with my fongers little by little, while im close to gagging... Its disgusting, y am i having this type of dream?...This happened to me 3 times already, wat can it be?...I dont wanna get those anymore...Help me please... Thanx...




  1. Maybe this could be something that might happen to you in the future. Not totally sure honestly. Some people have weird dreams that they get alot, and it doesn't mean anything. Like I always have this dream that this fat man is chasing me and he has this spider tattoo on his arm but dreams are DREAMS! [=

  2. Are you overweight?  Are you on a diet?  Are you anorexic?  Do you have family or friends dealing with these issues?  If not, who knows.  Dreams can be really strange and seemingly meaningless but often have deep meaning.  Or you could be experiencing some acid reflux in your sleep.  When you wake up, do you have an awful taste still in your mouth?  Hope things work out, good luck!

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