Nancy Pelosi reiterated the purpose of The Surge today on The View. That set conditions favorably AND that rivaling factions will come together. From this definition, then, The Surge has NOT been effective.
Many who don't fully comprehend the purpose of the surge measure the success of the surge by a "decrease in violence," i.e., fewer troop deaths. Certainly, a decrease in US troop fatalities is a good thing by anybody's standards but that WASN'T/ISN'T the objective. We are yet to see those rivaling factions sit down at the table & truly negotiate.
So...McCain's insistence that Obama admit that The Surge was a success doesn't make sense at all. It's a clever distraction but Obama is smart enough to stay focused on the original objective.
This is a reflection of how "off course" McCain is willing to lean. It's a trap of deception.'s just another demonstration wherein McCain simply cannot fully grasp the jist of things. Possibly a poor advisory team...