
This has been confusing by many but what do you think the purpose of The Surge was/is?

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Nancy Pelosi reiterated the purpose of The Surge today on The View. That set conditions favorably AND that rivaling factions will come together. From this definition, then, The Surge has NOT been effective.

Many who don't fully comprehend the purpose of the surge measure the success of the surge by a "decrease in violence," i.e., fewer troop deaths. Certainly, a decrease in US troop fatalities is a good thing by anybody's standards but that WASN'T/ISN'T the objective. We are yet to see those rivaling factions sit down at the table & truly negotiate.

So...McCain's insistence that Obama admit that The Surge was a success doesn't make sense at all. It's a clever distraction but Obama is smart enough to stay focused on the original objective.

This is a reflection of how "off course" McCain is willing to lean. It's a trap of deception.'s just another demonstration wherein McCain simply cannot fully grasp the jist of things. Possibly a poor advisory team...




  1. The purpose of the surge was to kick some ***.

  2. As usual lots of stupidity here.  Your lack of knowledge of what's going on is not surprising since you watch The View and listen to Nancy Pelosi.  The surge has work on nearly all of the goals it was intended to.  Read a little and you'll find out that 15 of the 18 goals have made satisfactory progress over the last year.   Just because your left wing propaganda doesn't report what's going on doesn't mean it's not happening.  Let's be clear Nancy Pelosi is a liar.  A year ago Pelosi and Co. declared the surge a failure BEFORE it even started.  There is no way that these idiots will admit it's working.  Iraq will become a beacon of democracy and they'll still declare it a failure and decry the reason for going in there.  They are too invested in failure to admit they are wrong.

    Reducing violence is the first step to making all the other goals being achievable and they are being achieved.  The Sunnis have come back to the govt.  The govt. has become much more in control and  the Iraqi security forces are in control of much more of the country.  Iraq is going to be fine unless you idiots elect Obama.  He'll pull out and Iraw will crumble and fall into Iran's hands.  

    Use your brains for a change.

  3. The surge is the last ditch effort to rape the country a bit more till Obama puts a stop to it. We aren’t even supposed to be there. We are supposed to be finding Bin Laden the REAL mastermind of 9-11! We forget so easily why we will never forget and why we wear t-shirt and fly car flags that say god bless America. This war is a shame and soldiers aren’t dying for our country, they are dying for greed. If they died for our country, they would have died looking for Bin Laden! Are troop’s aren’t liberators when they are securing oil! We are now terrorists! We are different from Bin Laden's terrorists because we smile when we stab you in the back.

    Where is Bin Laden? Why was George Bush allowed to steal two elections? Why hasn’t he been impeached for being a war monger?

    THIS is confusing to me not the surge.. The surge is inevitable and will continue until we all do something against our leaders/owners!

    Our owners bring Heroin in from Afghanistan and distribute on the streets but then they throw you in jail for using. Ask yourself are we living in a free country? The same for Marijuana! If we legalized Marijuana then fat old white people couldn’t make money because Legalizing marijuana would get ride of nearly 89% of trash drugs from pharmaceutical giants!

    Put this all together and we have all been lied to. About Iraq, about drug, news, global warming, EVERYTHING is made to scare you so they can control you!

  4. republicans think the surge was supposed to reduce violence. ONLY

    they forget that  it was all about benchmarks that the govt was supposed to meet so we could withdraw, they couldnt meet any of the benchmarks because of the violence, so we surged troops to quell the violence so they could meet the benchmarks

    they didnt

    the surge was a waste of money, and lives and gave us zero long term results

  5. A surge is simply putting more troops in the field to deal with the enemy. A larger force will reduce violence by killing more of the enemy and forcing the others to keep their heads down. This is not a magic trick, it is combat.

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