
This has been in mind?

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what is a secret agent???

and if possible... how do you become one???

if area 51 is real??? how do you sign up... seriously if it's real how do they get people to work there...

and there must be classess




  1. A secret agent, like for the FBI, works doing cases that are not public, like a policeman going around in a car.

    You become one by first getting a Bachelor's degree in anything & then signing up with the Federal agency (FBI, CIA, or whichever you like).

    They prefer if you specialize in something like languages, law, criminal justice, international politics, or topics like that.  You have to be healthy & have good vision.

  2. What does this have to do with the SPECIAL EDUCATION of STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES?

  3. Special education deals with students with disabilities.  You want to check web sites like for the type of info you're looking for.
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