
This has been posted before but my 3 year old has been sick since she started preschool. take her out?

by Guest21550  |  earlier

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So it's been 2 weeks of my daughter attending preschool. She is in a great school but week 1 head cold, brought it straight home to pregnant momma and we both got sick. Week 2 diarrhea and vomiting for a week now. I am thinking this is not worth it. I work with my daughter at home on a regular basis, I was thinking preschool would be a good find friends and socializing outlet. I am thinking dance class and I'll continue to teach her on my own.Her teachers even said she knows everything so I am obviously doing a good job. I even found lesson worksheets to do at home. What should I do pull her out, leave her in. She's had the sniffles 2 times in her life and she had some bad pancakes once. She want's to go to school. HELP




  1. Get her the **** outta there, I never went to pre school and now I run my own company, plus I got a really COOL degree.

  2. when a child has their first experience of being around a group of kids, they tend to get sick until their immunities build up.  new kids=new cooties.  the same thing will happen to new teachers.  i always expect a teacher to get sick within the first 2 weeks of starting her career with us.

    i'd leave her in since she loves it so much.  she obviously wants/needs the social environment.  and she needs her own life with a new little baby coming.

    take her to the doctor if you're really concerned.  otherwise let her grow.

  3. make sure the school is also taking care to use good hygiene protocols...washing hands between chngs and bathroom times also washing hands of the children and sanitizing furniture and toys...this takes care of lots of the problems you mention....also if your child has never been alot of time in the public she will have several incidents of "sicknesses" until her immune system builds up a tolerance to the "bugs" everyone else has

  4.   I understand your frustration.  Being around other kids means being around other germs and she will get sick.  I feel the same way you do about parents who send their sick kids to school, but that is Very hard to control.  On the positive side, being around other kids will eventually help her get her defenses up.  On your end do all you can about prevention (washing hands, covering mouths and noses when sneezing etc).  If she really loves school she should go back, shes got a head start on socializing and stimulation that will help her later on.  Also, she will be able to tolerate you being with your baby once she/he is born.  Give it another chance.  If you have some time, pop your head at the school every now or then to check up on stuff.  Become a friend of the teachers, that way they will feel more open about doing something about your concerns.

  5. Take her to te doctor and tell him about what is going on with your daughter at school, he will probably try and do something and try to figure out if it is really the school that is causing this.

  6. I feel your pain.... My daughter did the same thing the first time at preschool. I can't tell you how many times I heard from other moms that it was either the first year of preschool, or the first year of kindergarten for the sicknesses.

    Once they are around so many other kids for the first time, whether it's 3 or 5 (or probably even 13!), they are exposed to "new" germs. That's how the immune systems shore themselves up, but then they quit getting sick all the time.

    Also, at 3, they are still putting their hands in and on everything and putting fingers in their mouths, etc., so if there are germs afoot, they will find them! haha!

    I understand how you feel, and my daughter is the same way about socializing. She really would wither at home. She just absolutely thrives under so much more stimulation and interaction. She will get past this, and just be sure you are strongly reinforcing and EXPLAINING good hand-washing (and all other )hygiene to minimize the exposure.

    GOod luck and hang in there. It will get better. Really! :)

  7. I assume you are not in England, otherwise I would advise you to report the preschool to Ofsted for not working in partnership with parents, nor having regard for children's health and safety, especially if they are accepting sick children or refusing to communicate to parents that there has been an outbreak of illness.

    Maybe you have some kind of regulator where you are?

    But, as others have said, hopefully it is just that your child is beginning to develop her immune system. However, you are right to be wary and should keep an eye out...

  8. well, is she the only one in that school who's getting sick, if she is.. take her to a's probably her immune system that needs help. Taking her out of that school will not solve the problem. Here's an Idea, try to take a break.. don't let her go to school for about a week and if it did work out and her health is better then that's the way to go, if not then taking her out won't work. Take my advice, try both things and go with what feels right , in another words what looks right to you.

    it's not a big deal, just go with what looks right :")

    I hope I helped. Let me know if you have any questions.

  9. The worst is nearly behind you.  The first few months of school can be brutal-  I have been a preschool teacher for 16 years, and still- I get sick every September when the new kids start and the new germs come in.  It happens.  But, as I tell my new parents- expect it, embrace it- because it is much better that your child develop her immunities now, rather than when it counts when she heads off to kindergarten.  The more germs that a child is exposed to, the more immunity she builds up against getting those same germs again.  Yes, every year when there are new kids starting, you get sick again, but each year, it lessens.  

    Good centers have an illness policy of when to keep your child home so as not to spread the germs to other children, but keep in mind- not all illnesses present with symptoms prior to the time of contamination- so your child could get sick from a child who has not had symptoms yet.  

    Social skills are critical for young children.  Just because they are social, doesn't mean that they have acquired social navigation skills.  Being able to work through conflicts with other children, as well as compromising and collaborating are all skills that children need to develop prior to kindergarten.  Children also need to be taught how to empathize with others, recognize facial expressions and points-of-view, and appropriately express anger and other strong emotions.  Going to preschool can help her prepare and set her up for good social skills for life.

    There are the good and the bad things about preschool... and you have to decide for yourself what things to take, and what to leave.  Good= social skill development and the experience of preschool,  Not so good= dealing with sicknesses.  Roll with it and tough it out... she'll get far more out of the experience (other than being sick!) : )

  10. All the studies show that kids that go to preschool are more socially adjusted since they have to learn about accepting and dealing with a variety of different people from an early age.  They learn how to share, how to work as a team, how to be comfortable with other people around.  Let her continue with going to school--especially since she wants to go.  Yes, she'll bring home illnesses but she's building a good immune system.  You may want to suggest to the school that they try a little harder to keep things disinfected when one of their students is showing any signs of coming down with ANYTHING.  But even the best schools and with the best efforts, kids are going to spread illnesses.  It's just part of life.  And letting your daughter go to school will give you a wee bit of free tim to attend to yourself and the new baby.

  11. The day I took my daughter home from the hospital my doctor gave me the best advice ever. He said " If you treat her like a house plant she is going to be like a house plant" Meaning if I kept her held up in the house all the time like a house plant is then when I let her out she is gonna get sick just like if a house plant is set outside it will wilt..

    You have to let a child build up an immunity to certain germs.

    Your daughter is going to have to go to school at some point unless you plan to home school her forever.

    I understand you teaching her at home but does she like school? Does she enjoy having other kids around to play games and learn with?

    Ask her how she feels about it and go from there.

  12. Sorry to sound mean, but what did you think was going to happen? With the best will in the world, she is meeting up with new children with new germs and viruses, every child catches colds and bugs. Her immune system isn't fully developed yet, and won't be for a long time, but each time she catches something, it builds up her resistance to other illnesses.

    I own a preschool - we are vert proactive when it comes to stopping germs from spreading - eg handwashing, anti bacterial cleaners, encouraging children to blow their own noses etc, but when I go back to work, I can guarantee I will have 2 or 3 colds over the first few weeks, and I'm an adult.

    For goodness sake, it's only a cold. It's not pleasant but it won't do either of you any permanent harm.

    What do you expect the owners of the school to do? If we excluded all children with colds, we'd be empty for most of the year and they'd still catch the bugs from other sources such as brothers and sisters. You couldn't even know for sure if she got her cold from school - it takes 3 days to incubate - she could just as easily have picked up the germs from a door handle anywhere.

    Relax. Stop worrying. You're risking the school thinking you're a silly over protective mother hen. If you change schools I guarantee she'll still get colds. Sorry. Also - you're just putting off the inevitable - she will have to eventually mix with the rest of the population (something you cannot do successfully at home) and when she does, she'll have to build up her immunity again.    

  13. young children have weaker immune systems, but the only way to make it strong is by putting her around other children, she may get still, but thats how children grow stronger in the sick defenss.

    but if you really worried take her to her doctor

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