have been in phisycal thepary for my shoulders since march. the therpists are confuzed because they say it if it was what they thought it was it should be better by now, but it has stayed the same. i am swimmer and one night in january had to do over 1000 pushups in practice. i have had pain ever since. i havent been swimming since febuary. they thought it was impegment syondome, but at PT in july they did some tests where they moved my shoulder around and it was coming out of place and popping then they think it is a damaged labrum. i went to an ortho doctor and he said it is weak and we need to strength it [which ive been doing for 2 months now] and the pain seems to be getting a little bit worse. ive been really careful and still have not swam [and i miss it so much!]. i am playing field hockey and doing quite abit of running but no pushups or anything. i have a follow up with the ortho doc in mid september and he says if nothings improving, we might have to try the camera in my shoulder to see whats wrong. im so sick of not knowing whats going on. can anyone help or give me some advice?
thanks so much. xo