
This has never happened to me..?

by  |  earlier

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My period came today, two weeks early! Just had my last one two weeks ago. My period has been very very regular for awhile now , and it has never been early..if anything it is late, but never early! What could be going on?




  1. its normal.. no worries XD

  2. nothing its normal..

  3. Your cycle is probably changing.

  4. well if your diet changes or your excercing more those could alll be a possibility.

    sometimes people have a once in the blue moon irregular period.

    & also it is very normal b/c your period will either come way earlier or late when its going to start differently.

    for example if you get yours at the end of the month sometimes it can come in the middle because your period has change & will beging to start in the middle of the month... ya get me ?

  5. It's not uncommon for a woman's period to be irregular now and then. It also depends on your age.  If you're in your forties you could be experiencing peri-menopause.  If you're concerned, consult your gynecologist.

  6. stress can cause irregular periods. you may not feel completely stressed, but your body might. something as simple as starting back to school after the summer freedom can be a big change to your body. Changes in diet, exercise, and sleep patterns are usually the culprit.

  7. Periods can vary any time during life I had them every 30 days for a long time then they got longer in length between, I have skipped them due to stress or illness, and you can't panic over one irregular period.

    If it happens 3 months in a row you could get very anemic so you get a doctor's appointment or call your gyn for advice.

  8. its just puberty  

  9. If you are still a virgin their shouldn't be a problem.

    Your period may never be regular, and that's okay. Every girl is different.

    If you still feel concerned you can always give your Doctor a call or schedule an appointment if you really are concerned.

  10. It's perfectly normal.

    My mother who is fifty one still has an irregular one from time to time.

    Do not fret, madame.


  11. girl mine has been going on for 2 months its just making up for the days it hasnt came on.

  12. ………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~,

















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