
This has nothing to do with Tiger Woods personally, but......?

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I get tired of hearing how Tiger Woods is the best athlete ever. I'm sure he's the best GOLFER ever, no doubt there, but I cannot imagine how ANY golfer could be the considered the "best athlete ever." Soccer players, basketball players, some football ends and running backs, baseball infielders, decathelon winners...sure...but how can any golfer be called the greatest athlete ever??? All they do is swing a club! They don't even walk from hole to hole. Do you agree or am I out in left field somewhere? LOL




  1. he also runs 3 miles every day and like workout for 3 hours every day.. he's really physically fit.

  2. I agree. It does seem crazy to say the best athlete ever. Now if my husband heard me say that he would totally freak since he is a Tiger Woods fan.

  3. The PGA  requires golfers to walk every hole.

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