
This has to be paranormal?

by  |  earlier

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When me and my now ex-boyfriend were together we went to the local town fair. He played rhis game where you guess 8 - 7 numbers, get them all right win a prize. He used my nana's birthday 921916. He won every time with that number. Ever since then the number appeared evertwhere and I mean EVERYWHERE. It creeped him out, we split, and he's now engaged, but I never figured out why the number followed us. It was randomly picked, I never met/knew my nana. So why???




  1. That happens to me alot and I don't look for them either.  It just happens randomly and for me it's usually a sign or a message.  To see her birth date was probably a sign from your nana and since you didn't really know her, her b-day was the best way to get your attention.  It might have been her way to say hello and send her love and getting to know you.  There is no need to be scared or freaked out.  Just because our family has passed on,,doesn't mean there gone forever.  They are still with us and looking over us.  Just keep an open mind and be observant and enjoy those messages of love from your loved ones.  Also, keep in mind what events are going on your life, she might be giving you a heads up.  They can see the bigger picture that we cannot.

  2. Your Nana is trying to give a message and by remembering her she gives you a positive presence of her. The thing is, you perceived everything to be creepy and wasn't able to recognize the opportunity to know her.  In my country, this extraordinary experience obliges you to offer a prayer for this person and luck will follow you because of this person.

  3. You see it because you're looking for it.  It's called the confirmation effect - you see thousands of numbers every day and don't even notice most of them.  You only remember them if they click somehow.  This is extremely common, and definitely NOT paranormal.  It's in many psychology papers.

    You guess 6 numbers and you get them all right and win  a prize?  Sounds kinda like the lottery.  Has that number won you the lottery?  I'm guessing not.  Games like that would NEVER win ANYONE a prize at a fair - you don't have 200 million people playing.  So they rig it so that many people win.  You told him the number, he said, hey, that's right!  They do this many times a day, or else no one would ever play.

  4. erm..It's happened to me before too..and not only with numbers. The only thing I can make out of it is that someone somewhere is telling us that "there is more to this life than we can know or see or hear". Don't worry....the ones of us who have had it happen to us believe you. Quit expecting the others too.. or you'll get an ulcer!! lol

  5. i myself never believe in paranormal reasoning.

    There must be some logical reason behind all the winning,

    it might be planned/ collaborated beforehand. But how it exactly happens will need further info.

    edit: U see, in all case, there can only 3 base of reasoning, either case is caused by the suspect (internal or external from those involved in the case), just happen coincidentally (noone involved in making the case happened), or it's caused by the victim itself.

    By assuming your story is the truth, then it is also likely that it just happen coincidentally depending on how many times exactly you guys win with that number.

  6. First - you guessed six numbers, not 8.  That improves your odds.

    Second, games are often "rigged" - maybe your boyfriend looked particularly hot that day and the carny was hitting on him.

    Third, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof - so how did this happen?  You've just been attuned to the number and are subconsciously looking for it.  Paranormal events do not occur.

  7. I believe in the paranormal but I don't buy that story. Sorry.

  8. Too many factors to give you a definite answer  on exactly what happened.   You could have perceived it happening that way, it could have been total coincidence.  Your posting a story that happened to you a while ago , and expect an answer.  I don't think there is one, and no way to investigate it everyone has to go on your word.   Either way you can't  prove it.

    Just take for what its worth and come up with your own reasoning behind it, Best I can tell you.  If you want to believe its a message from your Nana, could very well be. It also doesn't matter if you knew her or not.

    Also if you focus on a number because your looking for that number you will see it daily.   I can say the number 4 and I bet you will see it more times, because now your taking notice to the number.

  9. No way of any of us knowing whether the event was paranormal, coincidental, or something else.

    We're all as ignorant of the way such things work as you are.

    The people making pronouncements on this are merely stating opinions, which you and I are equally capable of forming.  As for the 'scientists' here, these aren't the Nicola Teslas of science.  They're not blazing any new trails.  They're just re-hashing what's been said back and forth among others like them as long as textbooks have been written on the subject.

    Their opinions, my opinion, any opinion carries no more weight of authority than your own.

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