
This has to be the worst thing, ok one of the worst things, you can do to an animal.?

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A smoking turtle.

How sick it that.




  1. disgusting

  2. If he likes it, he likes it. On the plus side he looks pretty cool.

  3. this is cruel, it's the owner's fault that the turtle smokes!

  4. Bizarre.  The things being done to seals in Canada is pretty bad too.

  5. yeah but its possible it may enjoy it apes and other animals have been known to like a crafty drag, but it is wrong tho

  6. 4mins to finish. Woah!

  7. Turtle.? It looked more like a tortoise to me  Slight difference

  8. i think its a publicity stunt.if it does smoke someones giving it to it ,its not of down the off license on its own.they should be prosecuted.on the lily allen show this girl had a party and someone pilled up her dog and everyone laughed.its sick people doing these things to animals and they should be punished.

  9. The owner should be done for animal cruelty. The tortoise may be smoking the cigarettes voluntarily, but I'm pretty sure he's not going out and buying the things. How stupid of this man to keep on giving them to him.

  10. Seems to me the turtle is just holding the cigarette in it's mouth, not actually smoking. Bear in mind most animals breathe through their noses, not their mouths.

    I agree it's a warped and pointless photo, but if the owner wants to waste his money who cares?  Also, this is the Sun we are talking about; do you expect any better?

  11. I hope the owner is prosecuted

    What an idiot

  12. There was a group of teen girls that wanted to kill a teddybear hamster.  Besides throwing it against a wall , they microwaved it and it's feet turned black. It lived although it no longer has feet/paws.

  13. i think that is horrible mistily because what if that were you and you were lit on fire and could do nothing at all

  14. to be honest it doesnt look real - more like photoshop work

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