
This has to do with Maclaurin series?

by  |  earlier

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Assume that sin(x) equals its Maclaurin series for all x.

Use the Maclaurin series for sin(4 x^2) to evaluate the integral

\int_0^{0.62} \sin(4 x^2) \ dx

. Your answer will be an infinite series. Use the first two terms to estimate its value if anyone has an answer that would be great




  1. Recall that the Maclaurin (Taylor) series for sin x is

    sin x = x - x^3/3! + x^5/4! - x^7/7! +- ...


    sin (4x^2) = 4x^2 - (4^3/3!) x^6 + (4^5/5!) x^10 - (4^7/7!) x^14 +- ...

    The integral can be evaluated term by term

    int_0^0.62 \sin(4 x^2) \ dx =

      (4/3)*0.62^3 - (4^3/(7*3!)) 0.62^7 + (4^5/(11*5!)) 0.62^11

           - (4^7/(15*7!)) 0.62^15 +-...

    Using the first 2 terms as an approximation,

    int_0^0.62 \sin(4 x^2) \ dx = 0.317771 - 0.0536627 ...

      = 0.2641...

    The error in this approximation is bounded by the size of the third term (because the series is an alternating, decreasing series), which is

    (4^5/(11*5!)) 0.62^11 = 0.00404...

    so two terms does not provide a particularly accuracte approximation.

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