
This house would kick anyone out of the EU who does not recgongnize Kosovo's Independance....?

by  |  earlier

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pros and against this motion




  1. Debates aren't all about pros and cons.  You can't just rattle off a list of points.  I'd discuss the legality of the Kosovan declaration of independence, and of course the fact that the EU itself recognises Kosovo as an independent nation.

  2. So the EU would dictate member states foreign policy..a bit risky. Also Kosovos UDI is technically illegal according to international law as for UDI to be declared legally the 'host' nation has to agree to the regions declaration of Independance( Serbia did not agree). To punish a country for not approvong of an illegal action also seems a bit risky.

  3. This house would kick out any motion that isn't spelt properly.

  4. The foundation of the independence of Kosovo in international law is nonexistent at worst, shaky at best. So apart from the other technical problems, I think that the EU cannot dictate such a recognition to its members.

    Unless of course we erase international law.

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