
This inquiry is directed toward vegans...?

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I'm a vegetarian, however, I also do not utilize certian textiles. I would love to be aware of all textiles not utilized by vegans, such as flannel, and the obvious...leather and suede. Of course, this is so I can incorporate this into my lifestyle. Thank you so much.




  1. "In some cases, the animal's life is taken for its wool"

    What??? That's like saying they kill people when they give them a haircut. If you aren't going to use wool in the scenario that Jess describes, you might as well sell your vehicles because there's animal parts in those too.

    If the textile is animal based, vegans don't use it.

  2. In addition, all the alpaca, Angora, and mohairs would have to go.  If you want to go all the way, then almost anything dyed would have to go since the dyes are tested on animals for safety reasons.  Just curious where you would stand on cotton grown using animal power.  There are also chemicals used in textiles that are tallow derivatives.

  3. The main ones are Leather/Suede, Wool and Silk.

    Flannel sometimes ok as it can be made out of synthetic fibres instead of wool.

    Leather/Suede are obviously a ethically consistent textile for vegetarians to avoid as it directly involves the death of an animal.

    Silk also involves death: it takes hundreds of tiny lives to produce just one silk scarf or tie:


    This is textile does not necessarily involve the immediate death of an animal and so many vegetarians find it acceptable to wear. However, many "meat" sheep are shorn before they are slaughtered to gain every last economic benefit out of their lives as possible. Even "wool" sheep are eventually killed. There is not happy retirement home for these sheep (same goes for hens and dairy cows, that's why vegans don't consume eggs/milk). They are viewed only as production units, not sentient beings.

    Hope this helped :)

  4. Alpaca- which is a shaggy relative of the llama.

    Angora- which comes from a specific breed of rabbit.

    Cashmere- comes from a Himlayan goat.

    Down and Feathers- come from ducks and geese.

    Ostriches-provide feathers for exotic trim like boas. (Although birds can be plucked for their down without killing them, more than 90% of feathers are a slaughterhouse by-product. In some countries, live geese have their feathers plucked and regrown three times before being killed for meat.)

    Felt- used in hats and so on, usually comes from wool, but sometimes fur. Often rabbit skin is used for felt hats.

    Fur- comes from a variety of animals.

    Leather and suede-comes from a range of skin.

    Mohair- comes from the Angora goat.

    Silk- is the product of the caterpillar of the silk moth.

    Wool- in the UK is a by-product of the meat industry.

  5. I agree with all of the above, but I suggest you stay away from PVC too. Though vegan, it is very toxic and causes a lot of environmental damage during manufacturing.

  6. Why not flannel? Why not say wool as there is very good cotton flannel.

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