
This is TMI and gross, guys and girls answer please?

by  |  earlier

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OK, when I have s*x I feel like I get waaaaay too wet. I actually try to wipe it off without him noticing because it feels gross to me. Any suggestions? Is this gross to guys too? No one has ever said anything to me about it, but I don't like it. Also, guys, what do you expect when you are on top of a girl, meaning what am I supposed to do? Move? It's hard to do with all that weight on top of you!

Please only mature-ish answers, but I do want to know what you think.

PS I put this question here because it's the only section that gets a lot of answers-sorry if it makes you mad :(




  1. I'm female and it's not gross to guys (unless you get a weird one) to be 'too' wet. The wetness just helps move things along, if you know what I mean. They'd probably think something was wrong if you weren't. If he's on top, you can still move your hips some. Try various positions if a guys weight is an issue. There's plenty of em to try, Redbook and Cosmopolitan magazine usually have some links with 'examples'. Just let yourself go and forget about the wetness until its over. He'll thank you for it!

  2. It sounds like you are not enjoying s*x. I'm pretty sure that means you should stop having it until you are mature enough to communicate with your partner.

  3. ima dude. for the fellas when da ladies get wet its s**y to us cause it shows u feelin us. know what im sayin? it aint gross ta us. and when we on top just scream. not like when your on a rollercoaster scream but u nah what i mean. ya do ur thing we do urs and earbodys happy.

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