
This is a Q for adults only....?

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How often would you m********e? And are you male or female?

Just really curious about the difference in this area between men and women, so I hope this Q does not offend.




  1. male. mid 20s

    Once a day - like a religion.

  2. I think it depends on the persons work schedule & what theyre used 2 "getting". I have s*x like twice a week & m********e maybe once a month, b4 the cycle i get a lil crazy as do most girls!

  3. Female, mid 20's, married,

    Every other day, depends how I feel, really...

  4. Depends on alot of things, but on average about 3 times a week-female

  5. Once a day.  Male

  6. female................sometimes once a day,sometimes once a week!!!but i have s*x with my boyfriend everyday,so......................!!!

  7. female... usually every second day

  8. Female, every day, mid forties.

    s*x, every few days.

  9. I'm female, I never m********e but I have a boyfriend.

    I'm not very sexual anyway :P

    He needs it at least twice a day so if I'm not there he does it himself.

  10. Everyday!

  11. Usually bout ........... Well bout twice a week really depends how much time i've got in the house on my own

  12. masturbation is a form of release so it doesn't matter how often you m********e as long as it releases tension. Male, most days, sometimes twice.

  13. female

    somtimes everyday, sometimes everyother day, just depends on how i feel really

  14. That is hardly an adult question.

  15. This isnt a matter of male or female. it has to do with the person really. Some woman may do it more then some men and vis versa. Depends.

  16. five knuckle shuffle in the morning followed by a serve bashing of the bishop in the arvo then in the evening the monkey gets a spanking before i pull the head of it at bedtime

  17. female - single

    and all depends how im feeling tbh

    but mostly 2-3 times a day

  18. none of your business.

  19. Often.. Female

  20. Probably like once a week. I'm female and i do have a boyfriend so there isn't much need to x

  21. Putting that it is for adults only will ensure that any children on here will click on it straight away!

    As for my answer, that is my business.

  22. male, 2 or 3 times/week

  23. Used to go at about 5 times a day for me.  Started dating my wife and s*x went up.  Now I would have to say once a week.  Then while she is on her period a little more then to.

  24. Anywhere from once to about four times a week.  I'm married, late 30s and male.  The frequency varies depending on how frequently my wife and I are intimate.

  25. Female once a day

  26. lol its mostly only females answering!


    Sometimes everyday, sometimes more, sometimes less!

  27. uhmmmmmmmm i never did

    i thought only dudes do tht

    now chicks do it??

    wow where the h**l have i been

    im still not gunna do it


  28. twice a day male

  29. Whenever I feel like it. It's irregular. All about getting old I guess. It's good for blokes, keeps the prostate healthy, as long as you don't overdo it.

  30. Female-

    Once or Twice a month (More if something gets me worked up! LOL)

  31. Why do you put it here? Why can't you go to adults only sites?

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