
This is a Question about Resumes...

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If i have done volunteer work, non profit, should i include that on my resume? i have been told yes but im not sure....Would you???




  1. That depends on what your job target is, what other experience and qualifications you have, and how much room you have left on your resume.  For example, if you are a roofer and have 10 years roofing experience, you probably don't need to include the fact that you volunteered 4 hours a week at the local food bank, especially if it's going to sit alone on a 2nd (or worse, 3rd) page.  As admirable as it is, it probably isn't needed for an employer to see that you are qualified.

    However, if you want to cover gaps in employment, showcase skills or experience that are relevant to your job target, or demonstrate your personality or passion, I would include it.  Volunteer experience is often very highly regarded by employers.

    Hope that helps!

    Michael Howard

    Author of "Alternative Resumes" and "Alternative Resumes for Teens"

  2. Yes. I have included non-for profit work that I have done in the past with great success. Here is an excerpt from my resume:

    ' Though many claim to have vast knowledge and experience, few of your applicants can say that they were abducted and probed by a supreme alien race. I am that candidate. I know that deep down my work was for the benefit of all humanity.'

    See it worked like a charm.

  3. Yes, I would.  Especially if you have gaps in your employment history and have volunteered during those times.  Make your volunteer job descriptions sound responsible and professional, as you would for your paid employment.

    If you do have gaps in your paid employment, you can put the volunteer work in the main employment history section.  If you volunteer while working, you can always add a section at the end of your resume for that (similar to a section on professional association membership, committee work, etc.).

  4. Yes, you should definitely include all your experience but keep it in a separate section.  Make sure you list whom they should contact if needing a reference as well.  This will actually put you above your competition as it will define you as someone whose compassion extends to others and is not "just out for yourself."

    Best of luck!

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