
This is a cool many days after you felt your baby move did you give birth?

by  |  earlier

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I have a pregnancy book and it says that "generally, the baby will be born about 147 days(plus or minus 15 days) from the time the mother first feels the baby move. Make the calculation and see how close it comes to the actual day of your birth." So how many of you know if this was correct and close for you, and how close did it come?




  1. I just did the calculation there..

    ok there are 280 days in 40 weeks.

    i felt baby move at 16 weeks: 16x7= 112

    112 + 147= 276

    thats 4 days off my due date!


  2. it has been about 115 days since i felt my baby move and was sure it was the baby and not gas... however im being induced  @ 40 weeks on september 16th and that is 139 days so even if i have her before then its still pretty accurate with me. weird...

  3. i havent had my baby yet but it works out roughly 2 weeks early she will be born if that is true, i have a womb defect and was told she may be prem or just a bit early because it cant stretch enough so well see how right is it..

  4. It's been 153 days since I started feeling my baby move. I am sure it's her and not gas...  I have not given birth yet nor do I expect labor until a month or so : I am 33 weeks pregnant. With the + or - 15 days, it would mean I'd go into labor this week or next. Which I'm not wishing for, of course, cause my girl would be a preemie but could happen since I've had tons of false contractions and she has dropped and is engaged... You're kinda scaring me lol ;)

  5. 158 days

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