
This is a difficult one(adam and eve)!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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If we all are desendant of adam and eve......that means they "got it on" but for the human race to continue, their children also "got it on" but since their brother and sister wouldn't it be wrong??? And also wouldnt the children come out disfiguered?? Is it real???




  1. In the Bible Adam and Eve were perfect. Even after the "sin". The offspring would marry and produce children this went on for ages. The further from perfection the more problems may have arose as God banned this activity putting an end to it. Banning relations by blood to marry and produce children. I wish i knew where it was in the Bible but this is what I was taught. This activity also took place after the flood when Noah and his family would once again repopulate the Earth.

  2. no it was okay back then.

  3. I thought that there were already people in the world because I'm sure it says that there was a township close to Adam and Eve's house?  They lived close to a village.

    Apparently Satan had also made humans and there was this big competition between him and God, that's what Satanists believe.... I can't remember the rest of that story.

  4. To say we are all descendants of Adam and Eve is just a very poetical and mythological way of saying we are all human. One race - the human race.

    The stories in the opening chapters of the Bible (in Genesis) are ancient myths.  Scientifically and historically they are not true.  On a spiritual level they tell us much about ourselves.  In many respects we are all Adam and Eve.  A & E are of sort of Everyman - or Everyperson.

  5. Not back then. No problem with inbreeding then. As the world became populated, then  inbreeding was bad.

  6. another reason why i do not believe in the bible. at all. under any circumstance.

  7. Apparently.... But seriously dude- The bible is not to be taken litterally. It was one of many metaphors.

    The bible was written hundreds of years ago- if you even look at our own language books only 100 years ago, its hard to decifer because of the language barrier. The bible was written with the stories deticated to the time period. Obviously things arent the way they were back then.   We dont publicly stone people along with many other practices they used.  The fact that the whole 'SIN' propaganda came about was a way for those in that time period to keep a running tab on their own consious while developing a new way to semi educate masses while repremanding.  (in those times, it was easier to control people by their own personal guilt or consious than to set laws against individual people.)

    Point being- its not to be taken litteral that God first created Adam and Eve thus starting the human race.  

    We will never really know what happened first. Science is getting close though.

  8. well,Adam & Eve had two SONS,so there had to be someone else around for them to mate with! Otherwise human life would have ended right there.

  9. adam and eve didn't have daughters

  10. Adam and Eve yes did reproduce together however Cain married someone being not his related sister.  And Seth married as well to someone not of his relation. I've heard one theory that God created a white adam and eve, a black adam and eve, golden adam and eve, olive toned adam and eve etc etc....I'm more of a believer in science but it would explain where the mates to both Cain and Seth came from.

    But here's an interesting thought.  Remember Noah and the flood?  All humanity perished after the heavens rained for forty days and nights except for Noah and his wife and his sons and their wives.  SO really modern man are decendants of them if you go by biblical terms.  So would that not mean cousins did the deed?

    Wouldn't God make a few exceptions in a time of need?  But who says there were no reprecutions from all the close breeding.  This world today is by far no close to perfect. Maybe that's wrong with us all today.

  11. Not giving justifications for the Bible alterations done by King James' "bible scholars", but I believe many authors of the Bible's books simply expressed THEIR ponderances on certain issues; perhaps more like theories akin to those of Darwin and Einstein.  But given they're in the Bible, they hold some degree of religious signifiance.

    The legend of Adam and Eve is merely a moral tale--one to express the dangers of defying God and possible consequences for doing so.  Adam and Eve defied God's command---and both paid the price for it  AND were given a difficulut task to ATONE for their misdeed.

    The entire Adam and Eve story comes down to this simple fact:  Defy God--expect consequences.  For one to ATONE for their misdeeds, expect to do difficulut tasks in God's name.  Atonement done with sincere heart offers His reward of redemption.  And if you really read on through the Bible---that becomes a common thread that's hard to ignore.

    Did humankind begin with Adam and Eve?  Scientific facts hold doubt.  Were Adam and Eve real people?  Probably---however, their creation by God likely is a implausible tie in to the religious philosophical REAL expression of the story.

    Did many of the epic miracles described in the Bible really happen?  Scientific data from several archeological sites in the Middle East say---yes, actually.....they DID happen.  Science still has yet to fully explain HOW they occurred--but answers are close forthcoming.  And I believe somewhere out there, yet to be discovered, are other TRUE copies of The Bible.  And I do believe their discovery is soon forthcoming as well.  Earth still has many epic treasures to be found.

    But doubts are we'll NEVER FULLY know ALL of God's secrets.

  12. I'm Catholic...

    And even some, if not a lot, of Catholics believe that Adam and Eve was used as an unexplainable metaphor for the initialization of humans.

    I, personally, don't quite believe that... it may have been a stretched story that had been supposedly worthy enough to be christened "Adam & Eve" - (meaning the pop-culture story most believe to be true.)

    Adam and Eve, I think, is just a metaphore.

  13. God told Adam not to marry any of the Canaanites, but God also said not to pick the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

    The Adam-and-Eve story (like the Noah story) actually originated in pre-Judaic literature (we're talking before Moses by more than 1,000 years) in Babylon. Also, the Bible version of the story eliminates the Lilith figure from the same story in Judaic literature, which is virtually identical to the Babylonian myth if we change the names accordingly. This is also the case with Noah/Utnapishtim.

    Seems as though Moses got a little creative with his borrowing of myths and stories, and then Constantine (who put the Christian version of Moses's works together) changed it further.

    It was intended to teach certain truths, such as innocence (once lost) can never be regained; and that there are consequences for all actions (with an implication that obedience to God or "the gods" is the key to happiness). Both of these are good lessons with true principles (well, except the obedience part, which is more fear tactics than a principle), even if the story (and its origins) are a little shady.

  14. Could be why we only use 10-percent of our brain-capacities then, right...after all, all genetic-mutation isn't always a good, efficient thing, right??

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