
This is a driving question:The measure to be used by the driver who is following a vehicle under good road con

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  1. stay back at lease five car lengths   reason if car in front suddeny stops.. one car length to react.. one car lengts. to apply brakes.. and at that distance a close call stop.. in new jersey many rear end and chain reaction collisions when people follow two closely.. ok

  2. Depends on where you live but between 2 to 4 seconds.....

    They have also recommend that you stay 1 car length for every 10 miles per hour that you are driving as well.........

  3. following distance is determined by the speed of your vehicle,at 65mph you are traveling 100 feet per sec roughly,it takes 7 secs to come to a stop,so if you are traveling at 65 mph you have a following distance of 3-5 sec.s you will be in the rear end of the vehicle in front of you because it will take you 7 stop remember your following distance can always be to much but only once to the faster you are traveling the more stopping distance you will need..there is a formula you can use to figure out the proper following distance :speed,reaction time, braking force and friction.will determine the distance it will take you to stop you vehicle,.you can use a fixed object to measure following distance with,when the vehicle in front of you passes by the fixed object with their rear bumper start counting 1001,1002,1003 etc. until the front of your vehicle reaches that same fixed object this will be your following distance....

  4. 2 second interval between the vehicles.  3 seconds for rainy or dark days.

    5 or more seconds for slick conditions.

    Your car manual won't have much about this.  The state driver's license manual may tell you about it.

    the x number of carlengths per miles per hour is invalid and extremely difficult to judge.

    The timed interval is best, easiest to use, and is self adjusting with the speed.

  5. Read the drivers manual and get your own answers.

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