
This is a electrocardiogram question that i just need help with.

by  |  earlier

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Describe the electrical conduction system in the heart, and show how this electrical activity is detected and recorded by the electrocardiogram (ECG). Describe the main features of the typical ECG tracing, and describe briefly how these might be used clinically to diagnose heart problems.




  1. That will need a very long answer. Get a book, there's many available even simple ones, amazon has some good ones.

  2. The heart works by electricity, starting with the AV node in the right Atria, the impulse passes down to the SA node and then onto the perkinjie fibres/bundle of his, this causes the heart to contract.

    As for the normal complex it's PQRST the starting with the P wave that the electrical impulse is fired from the AV node producing the P wave, from here it gets a bit confusing but do look up the normal complex online and from there you can work out any abnormalities.

    Good luck.

  3. Here is a link to start you off -

  4. that will take some time to write up

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