
This is a hard dream to interpret , even for me^^?

by  |  earlier

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I don't think, anyone is going to find out the meaning of this dream, but maybe you're ideas could help me find out.

I am in a class-room.The teacher, that I know, an English teacher, i sa sking me to teach instead of her.I go to the blackboard and I start teaching. Some priests( i guess...) in red, came and took me, putting on me a grey-blue robe on me..they take me in the middle of the town and start beating me with sticks, that have spikes. I see my friends, that stare at me hopeless.I look at my bestest one's and I see pain on their faces too, much sadness on the others.Some other people came, which I don't know.They, too, show sadness.The priests finish with me.I wake up at home(stil in the dream),the robe still on me, with a sense of victory.People on the street call me Saint Catilin, although I tell them not to call me this way, and I try to run from them.I get at school.I see days passing, and more of my friends, of my class and scholl mates, and even teachers wearing my robe.




  1. You have the ability to lead others, though you know you will be chastized for it.

    But in the end, those that chastized, realize they were wrong and join with your freinds to become followers.

    Lay off those medications!!!!!!!

  2. What a colorful dream and journey of the mindful spirit you have experienced.

    In being called to teach there is an implication that you hold some special knowledge that the academics around you respect and desire.  Your friends seem to sense the 'truth' you are sharing.  That it is English is probably just a convenient venue from memory - and may relate to the character of that particular teacher.  I doubt that the subject has any other significance itself.

    The priests represent religious or spiritual authority - as exercised by man, not necessarily an all-wise cosmic entity.  They wrap you in this robe - grey-blue - a kind of pall, not unlike one dressed as condemned.  It is as if the color of a pale, overcast sky - not a color of hope.  You are to face a terrible test of your will and righteousness.

    We humans have seen much misuse of presumed godly powers or understandings - Jean d' Arc, Copernacus, Gallileo, etc. all suffered, not to mention many innocents over our history.  Many buckled to threat, some survived after being maimed - many others died.  Many were vindicated - and many came to be saints in our thinking - in time the religious powers recognized the wrongness of man's presumptions about cosmic truth and the punishment inflicted, and those who suffered it were sometimes beatified.

    Indeed, the priests seem to have a problem with the truth you seem to hold.  Nothing new in this, given the examples I just gave.  That's not to bash religion, it's just a fact that religion has been misused - and what you describe happening here is a repeat of same.  Your sympathetic friends and others who seem to grasp the truth you are trying to share are witnessing, but held at bay by the powers of ignorance - powers that must be overcome.

    And happily, you survive - perhaps by true devine intervention itself, who can know?  But you survive to carry the truth back to your fellow academics, ignorance has been overpowered and your peers and awestruck teachers look on with admiration.

    In fact the population grasps that you have survived this test of fire - or beatings - and they seem to see, as must finally the religious powers behind the scene the sanctity of your knowledge.  You have had 'sainithood' bestowed upon you for this.

    I can't know where 'Catilin' comes from, likely some literary source or similar that you are familiar with in your experience - perhaps consciously forgotten but dredged up by your inner mind for the dream's use.  In humility you decline the recognition but they insist - your demonstration was so great it cannot be denied you, even at your protest as a humble bearer of great knowledge.

    And the sorry robe of doom you donned at the beginning of the ordeal now becomes a standard of truth - all done it that would uphold that which you represent.  These are your followers, your disciples so to speak.

    I cannot know what feelings you have about truth, or what ideas you may have that may be truly enlightening - obviously people do hold such things at times, else we'd not have had our daVinci's, etc.  It may just be a notion grown in the imagination, many details suggested by history, media and even gamesmanship - or inspired.  

    This dream may also be borne of a desire to lead others - whether you are gifted that way or frustrated in wishing to be.  Allow time for that if so.

    You would have to venture that yourself - and others around you would have to judge the veracity of your claims, if any.  Otherwise it was just a dream - but a fascinating one and one that tells much of how we behave as human kings, bishops and pawns.

    Judge then your knowledge for youself first - and consider the possibility of an entertaining but educating dream.  It is one that brought lucid imagery to your conscious mind by the amazing synthesis only the human brain can produce - and in doing so it melded many things you have apparently absorbed.  The only mystery remaining is the mystical teaching you gave, if it exists... fascinating!

    I hope this may help in your understanding.  All the best to you and thanks for sharing this wonderfully colorful dream.

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