
This is a long question about why we vote the way we do, but hopefully it will start a useful topic?

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Let me begin by saying that I am 100% pro-life. I believe it should be illegal to have an abortion period. I do not want to rehash that issue it is not what this question is really about.

What I do not understand is how a single issue has been allowed to control political decisions for so long. First, consider a few facts about what has actually happened in history not just statements made by people who want to be elected.

Ronald Ragan was the first president to run on this issue and the Republican party has been using to win elections from then on.

Yet in all that time they HAVE elected a majority of Supreme Court Justices with the power to over turn abortion. They have not brought the case back to court.

They HAVE had control of the House and Senate to force a bill on the issue.

They have not done so.

They have controlled the White for all but twelve of the thirty five years of Roe v Wade! And for of those years were Carter and it was not much of a public issue at the time. Only the eight years of Clinton constituted a time of having a pro-life President.

But not one President has pushed the issue once in office.

The Majority opinion of Roe Vs. Wade was written by Harry Blackmun a Republican appointed judge. Judge Byron White was the dissenter in the case, and he was appointer by a democrat.

My question is will the Pro-Life movement EVER make the Republican party accountable for their promises and rhetoric. They talk Pro-life throughout the election but once voted in do nothing.

For Pro-life people like myself this is very frustrating, does anyone know what can be done? And, for full disclosure I am not voting for McCain, he has given me less evidence that he cares about the pro-life movement then Bush did. So, if they are not going to do anything about this why vote based on this issue?




  1. That is an excellent question.  I don't have any explanations for it either though.

    I do feel that Republicans use that issue a lot in campaigns against their opponents.

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